Hatching quail eggs


12 Years
Aug 7, 2007
near ottawa ontario
I posted this somwhere else. But got no response. This is my first hatch of cortunix quail eggs. This is 15th day. There is nothing going on in there . NOt even a chirp. Is that normal. I thought i would of seen or heard something by now. I cant candle them . I cant see inside. I got them shipped in from a breeder. So the fertility should be ok. When i hatch chickens i can hear them chirpping in the egg. But this there is nothing. Is this normal. ?When should i expected something? DO you hear them first. Or just a pip?
Coturnix should take 18 days to hatch so you shouldn't be hearing anything just yet. Give them a few more days and they should start popping like popcorn

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