Hatching Refridgerated eggs??

What does your set-up look like? is the broody isolated so no other hen can get to her nest? How much room to come off of the nest to poop does she have?

A broody should come off the nest at least once a day to eat, drink, and poop. I've seen some come off for only 15 minutes at a time once a day. I had one that came off twice a day for over an hour each time. I have many that I never see off the nest, but I know she is coming off because she doesn't poop in the nest. A broody hen should instinctively know to not poop in her nest. Occasionally you get a hen where the instinct just isn't good but are you doing something that messes up her instincts? Knowing about your set-up might help us help you, but it sounds to me that the hen just does not have good broody instincts.

Broody hens walk on the eggs when getting on and off the nest. So do hens that are just laying eggs. Broody hens also turn the eggs. I had an egg break under a broody once. When I looked at the shell, it was really thin. I think it broke because it was thin, not because of anything wrong the broody hen or any other chicken did.

When it broke the nest became a mess, the other eggs were a mess, and the hen's underside was a mess. I cleaned things up as well as I could but nothing hatched. That broken egg allows bacteria to grow which kills the other eggs.

Did you wash the eggs before you set them, especially the refrigerated eggs? That washes off the bloom which can allow bacteria to enter the egg. That could explain the red circles and dead chicks in the eggs. Did it stink with a rotten egg smell? It could have been an egg with bacteria inside exploded. Usually an infected egg seeps a rotten fluid but the pressure can build up inside one and cause it to explode.

You can try washing the hen's belly, totally cleaning out the nest, and washing the eggs and see what happens, but it did not work for me. Maybe you'll be luckier, especially if those three eggs are pretty close to hatching. You can try cleaning the hen and nest and giving her fresh eggs. That could work. You can get day old chicks and put them under her, see if she will adopt them. Or you can break her from being broody and wait to try again later.

I agree with Bobbi. I let mine hatch with the flock, so I mark the eggs and check under her daily for any fresh eggs. Other than that I leave my broody hens alone. I do less harm that way.
The box is very big, i think 3x 5. It used to be a brooder for chicks. The food and water are not too close l, about 6 inches away. I did not wash the eggs but on day 4 she pooped on them so i just scraped the poo off, but no water just rubber gloves and wiped it with my finger. Shes still puffing and acting broody. I dont think she touched the food as its measured
so your saying you pulled all the eggs or she is still on some? if she is still on some let her be, you cant add more eggs to some already under and have her raise them. You can try giving her some extra protein if she has been sitting long, I dont give any broods food or water at the nest box, only when they have chicks. But not sure what others do. If you want to give fresh eggs and not fridge eggs this time have another try, or if you must do the fridge eggs have at it, just give her a few more but be sure she can handle it and make them to room temp before giving them to her. Good luck!
No i took her eggs out as she kept pooping on them. Right now shes out. Seems to me shes only half broody now. Its been about 10 days since i took jer out. She still makes broody noise and sometimes puffs up and most of all in the nest box. But she sleeps with the others. Im getting 20 brahma eggs this week so i thought i should put 10 eggs under her (5 mine 5brahma) and see if it goes well. I wonder is she will go back full broody
usually this is not a problem at all , unless they've been in the fridge too long ( meaning the same with 'old'(er) eggs that often do not get used anymore to hatch due loss of fertility ) , in fact I've seen many people storing the eggs into the fridge due high temps outside and still wanting to keep the eggs for a hatch they've planned , still viable enough to get out some nice chicks anyways , what I know about it is that even whn they feel that cold , a broody will take them anyhow , usually she will in the first hours only sit on them occasionally (because they're so cold ) so it is indeed recommanded to go to room temp first .
About pooping in the nest , she might feel / have the idea there is a treath for her nest to leave or it occurs by accident ( broody here pooped twice on the nest yet she tried to clean up by herself using new feathers and all sorts of things ) just take out the dirty flooring and poop and clean off eggs with paper tissue , she'll manage just fine . Also make sure she has enough privacy and space to walk free , best to put her water and food as far away from her so she has to come from the nest to get any water / food and she'll do her ' business ' , if she stays on the nest just get her off and she won't poo on the nest anymore . Much of luck wished !!!!
so your saying you pulled all the eggs or she is still on some? if she is still on some let her be, you cant add more eggs to some already under and have her raise them. You can try giving her some extra protein if she has been sitting long, I dont give any broods food or water at the nest box, only when they have chicks. But not sure what others do. If you want to give fresh eggs and not fridge eggs this time have another try, or if you must do the fridge eggs have at it, just give her a few more but be sure she can handle it and make them to room temp before giving them to her. Good luck!
No i took her eggs out as she kept pooping on them. Right now shes out. Seems to me shes only half broody now. Its been about 10 days since i took jer out. She still makes broody noise and sometimes puffs up and most of all in the nest box. But she sleeps with the others. Im getting 20 brahma eggs this week so i thought i should put 10 eggs under her (5 mine 5brahma) and see if it goes well. I wonder is she will go back full broody
used to have one like that too , best is to break her for now and she will easily get broody again I've noticed but only that time , once they have been broken , they are Boody as a broody can be ! really ! the emotional effect of the breaking made the hen believe she could get ' punished ' again and ' lose the babies again (eggs) ' this is actually stimulating her once she gets broody again . she does not want to happen such thing again plus she believes she is being sneaky , nobody knows ! If you think she is half broody I think best to break her for now and try it later again ..
Kind regards ,
So i my hen went broody yesterday and i put fake eggs, i collected the eggs 2 days ago (15 eggs) , i need eggs to hatch as my hens dont lay much (idk why) can cold eggs be hatched??

I don't drink, but I purchased a wine cooler. Humidity can kill the embryo, that is why the refrigerator is not a good option. Wine snobs, no offense to those who are, want their wine chilled without humidity. It makes a wonderful place to store potential hatching eggs. Their viability lasts about 10 days there. If they are not purchased or hatched after 10 days they are thrown out, so the odds of giving a client a dud are reduced.
Actually low humidity is bad. As the egg is stored it looses moisture through the porous shell. The longer it is stored the more moisture is lost before incubation begins. If it is stored very long in very low humidity it can lose a lot of moisture.

The ideal relative humidity is between 70% and 80%. If it gets higher than 80% you can get condensation on the eggs, which is also bad.

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