Hatching Serama Eggs?


7 Years
Apr 8, 2016
I have been hatching for 2 years now and wanted to give ebay hatching eggs a go. I love seramas and have one little hen, she had a sister but she died and now she is in with a silkie. So I bought some hatching eggs from some seramas. Is there anything I need to do with them that is different? I have a natures right 360 and not sure how I am going to get them to stay in the turners yet.
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Off the top of my head, I'd say to just prepare for lockdown around day 16 or 17 as they'll likely hatch a day early.
I'm sure those that hatch serama eggs frequently will chime in.
I hatched one.. it came on day 21.. tiny little egg.. his name is peep pee and its rather friendly.. silkie serama mix..I did not have the humitity right in my incubator and he had to have a batch after birth.. he was coated in rockhard stuff after drying

Here he is hanging out with us , making sure husband doesnt cheat


Here he helps with perimeter surveilance..
Off the top of my head, I'd say to just prepare for lockdown around day 16 or 17 as they'll likely hatch a day early.
I'm sure those that hatch serama eggs frequently will chime in.
Thanks, do you know how I get them to turn right in my natures right incubator. As they are so little.
Sorry. I have no idea. Perhaps line the turner with something so the eggs will be more snug. Is there a quail egg adaptor for the turner? I'm not familiar with that incubator or turner.
I just looked at a picture of the incubator interior. I wouldn't think the eggs would have any problem turning in there. They should just roll.

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