hatching silkie help


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 16, 2011
Venice Florida
I have several silkie eggs in the bator and some have hatched and several are piped. However, 1 egg that has zipped half way stopped. The other babies are stepping on the egg and broke some of the shell and the membrane is wrapped around the baby and he cannot get out or move cause its drying out. I can't open the bator due to the piped eggs. Any suggestions??
Sounds like he is getting dryed out. Here is what I would do: Go in your bathroom and turn on the shower (hot), let it run for awhile until there is lots of humidity in the air. Then take your 'bator in there and quickly remove the egg that is stuck, and help it out. WARNING: if you see ANY blood when you're helping it out, STOP! Put it back in the 'bator for 2-4+ hours, and then try again. I've helped lots of chicks, most have lived, but some have died. It's a risk you'll have to take. Good luck on your decision.

~ Aspen
Thank you. Took your advice and he is free. I didn't touch the bottom half, he will have to work that. He is now back in the bator so we will see how he does.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Sounds like he is getting dryed out. Here is what I would do: Go in your bathroom and turn on the shower (hot), let it run for awhile until there is lots of humidity in the air. Then take your 'bator in there and quickly remove the egg that is stuck, and help it out. WARNING: if you see ANY blood when you're helping it out, STOP! Put it back in the 'bator for 2-4+ hours, and then try again. I've helped lots of chicks, most have lived, but some have died. It's a risk you'll have to take. Good luck on your decision.

~ Aspen

I hadn't heard the shower trick. I will add that to my mental notes! I sure hope the chick is up and running soon!
well baby is still stuck to the bottom. I was hoping he/she would be able to jiggle out but not happening. I have another that is zipped but can't get out. My humidity is 75 and temp is 100 so not sure what the problem is.
I don't know either?

Have you ever tryed the "Dry Incubation" method?
I'm testing it out with my batch of eggs this time. Before I was having wet, sticky chicks that couldn't get out of the shell, so this time I'm gonna test the "Dry Hatch' out.

~ Aspen

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