hatching silkie help

Don't forget that they absorb their yolk sack before hatching. Mine didn't drink or eat for a couple of days. They just slept but once they got rested up they started drinking and eating..

Ah someone beat me.. lol
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don't worry about food and water. the chick is living off the yolk that it just absorbed so it could hatch. they come out tired from all the work of hatching. when they are 1 day old they will be more active.
helping them hatch is tough. you take a chance of killing them by helping and take the same chance by doing nothing. If I help---I get a shallow bowl of warm water and hold the bottom half of the egg in it so the chick stays warm. I then slowly take an eyedropper and add a tiny amount of water to the membrane so that it will be more elastic. you can then roll the membrane like a pair of nylons to uncover the chicks beak so it can breathe. then put it back in the bator and let it try to hatch on its own. remember that every time you open the bator you lower the humidity thus endangering all the others that are trying to hatch.

Never thought about the warm water in a bowl,I will remember that in the future if I ever have to do that agian(hope never),If I have to open the bator I put in a warm wet sponge to keep the humidity up

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