hatching time span between first and last egg


7 Years
May 5, 2012
I was curious on how far apart have you seen eggs hatch from first to last egg when all variables are the same? (same group of eggs, in the same incubator etc)
I've had a batch hatch over a 4 day period once. But usually it't 2 days.
I have a question to this too if I may use this thread?
I've had 7 viable eggs in the incubator go into lockdown on day 18. On day 19 two pipped, on day 20 one pipped, and all the three hatched out sooner and later on day 20.
Today was day 21 and the remaining 4 eggs show not a sign of pipping, peeping, movement, or life at all.
It's been 24hrs now and there has been no change. The eggs all went into the bator at the same time. Can it still be that they develop at different rates?
I took the 3 chicks out this morning because they were rolling the other eggs out of place quite a bit. The humidity hardly changed during the few seconds I opened the bator to get the chicks out; just went from 72 to 62% for a minute and went RIGHT back up to the upper 60ies-lower70ies (I have crafted a caveman system of a funnel with a straw attached and let warm water drip through it down into the bator through a vent onto a folded cotton rag)
Anyone has had this much time pass between hatches of the same eggs?
I've had eggs hatch on day 22-23, then nothing until a late bloomer hatched on day 25. Under a broody hen. Give them another day or 2. Good luck and hope they hatch for you!
I've heard of the lag in hatching when the eggs are under a hen. It just does not seem right for the incubator as the eggs are all the same and went in the same time. It's been almost 48hrs now and still no movement with the 4 remaining eggs.
I did just candle them and I noticed a lot more "empty space" than I had expected if the chicks were developed fully by now. Also I saw no movement inside at all, but I still can see the veins, and the air cells look fine. It looks like the chicks all stopped developing after the eggs went in lockdown. I did put them back in the incubator for now because who knows.... maybe there will be a surprise hatch after all; but it would really be a surprise. I do not expect any to hatch out of what I saw. What about the veins though? Should they not be gone by now if the chicks stopped 3-5 days ago?
The eggs are still in the bator, day 23 and NOT A THING is happening; because my hopes are down and I am thinking of throwing them out now, I did the float test that I read about and the eggs indeed did nothing. I placed them in the water, they float with the airsack part of the egg out of the water, not sideways, not too high or too low, but they don't move even the slightest bit. Do/can I throw them out now? Should they not be moving if still alive? Is there anything else I can do to make sure I'm not wrong? I'm about to pull the plug and poke a hole and crack them open to see what I find inside (and I am not expecting live chicks, just want to see what's in there)
Any last tips, anyone?
My eggs all hatched in a 24 hour time, both shipped and homegrown. Which makes me think the duds are really duds. I'm going to pull the plug tonight probably.
I did. I had chicks in all of them but all dead. One with a severely deformed beak, one little/underdeveloped one, and 2 looked just fine. Not sure what went wrong. But I learned so much still! I had no idea how chicks grow inside an egg. Interesting yet sad experience....
I am a first timer at all this kind of stuff but just wondering ...I had 2 chickens hatch 6 days ago and another 5 days ago. .. there are still about 5 eggs under hen ... what are the chances of those actually hatching? I've noticed a lot of comments say any where from 2 to 4 days. .. is it possible for 7 ?

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