Hatching WITHOUT an incubator

O.K. thanks. They're actually in a barn which rarely goes below freezing. There's a heat lamp outside the crate door which keeps the water from freezing, the other girls have a heated bowl. I know there's a picture of her run in this machine but I just got tired of looking. The lady I got the eggs from said broody hen eggs will actually hatch faster than incubator eggs. We'll soon see.

Just found a pic...
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Peeping! I hear little peeps from underneath Chrissy
Not gonna move her to check just yet. Thought you should know
Now what??
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It sounds like she'd doing her job and they are hatching, or already have. She'll keep them inside for about 3 or 4 days, then she'll bring them out. Don't expect her to be happy to share though, she'll protect them and probably cover them. After she comes out you can pull the eggs that didn't hatch to dispose of them. Of course you don't want to do that until she's out of the nest or she'll bite your hand off.
P-Funk don't just stand there gawking - tear up some clean sheets, boil lots of water. I don't know what the sheets are supposed to be for but, with the water you can make hot cocoa. Nothing like chocolate to soothe the soul.

You don't want to upset mama - you want her to stay on the eggs until the last viable one has popped out. Then I believe it is permissible to dump her out of her broody nook, while you clean up the litter and broken shells and get a good look at the chicks. Photos can wait - you want her to concentrate on her brood.

I subscribed to this and your state thread to keep an eye on you. No pressure - just settle down with some slow, deep breaths- exhale slowly,deeply. Better than lamaize - no pillows needed.

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