Hatchling Bloody Umbilical - Help Please


6 Years
Aug 28, 2013
I'm worried about this hatchling. She hatched on her own, but left a puddle of blood and has more bloody tissue than I'm used to seeing. Should I just keep her in the bator until it falls off, or does this look like something more serious?

Thank you in advance for your help.

I had one that looked like that hatch last year. I put it in the brooder in a big mixing bowl lined with a dish towel so that it was near the other chicks but separate to prevent picking. I put a little water dish in the bowl and sprinkled food on the towel too. It acted normal at first but the umbilical area never closed up and it died after about 4 days. The tissue didn't recede into the abdomen or dry up and fall off either. Maybe someone knows something that can be put on the area to make it dry up?
Do a search for "mushy chick syndrome". You'll need to keep it *very* clean and if it's not already infected, it might live. If it were mine I would probably give it a very, tiny, tiny drop of Baytril 10%.

I read somewhere that some people take a piece of dental floss and tie it around the blob to help the blob fall off, but I have not done that so can't offer any advice on how to do it. If I were to though, I would probably do it about 1/4" from the body.


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