Hatchling foot weird and chirping non stop

Just Chicks

11 Years
May 28, 2013
Sherbrooke , Quebec
can someone tell me why this hatchling never settles down like the other hatchlings? Not sure if food is deformed and her foot is her or what...she had trouble when hatched...seemed her yolk was not completely absorbed..could not even lift her head much...I placed her with the other hatchlings thinking it would help..she survived to my surprise so far..day 4...but she chirps all night and does not run around like the others...any idea?
Sorry to hear... Also asking

Do chicks usually chirp pretty much constantly? After ready this its made me realise that my chick that hatched today is almost constantly cheeping. Nothing's looks wrong with it, it's laying down for about 5 secs then gets back up walking round chirping again.

Is this because he's lonely? :)
can someone tell me why this hatchling never settles down like the other hatchlings? Not sure if food is deformed and her foot is her or what...she had trouble when hatched...seemed her yolk was not completely absorbed..could not even lift her head much...I placed her with the other hatchlings thinking it would help..she survived to my surprise so far..day 4...but she chirps all night and does not run around like the others...any idea?

Well it's blind! Now things make sense...chirping constantly to be guided....doesn't know it's night or day..doesn't run when I pick it up etc...
The chick in the video looks like it's cold to me, so maybe that's why your chick is peeping so much?


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