Haunted Jewelry.

What's a Pookah?

Its an energy "spirit" ... Basically you Charge an item with the intent of giving it consciousness.. I made one for my oldest son when he was a baby , he used to have terrible nightmares.... So I made him a Pookah in a dreamcatcher to watch over him and fight off the bad dreams... I have also made one for protection years ago in my pentacle necklace...

Sorry if its a lil scatterbrained but I am recovering from last night.... It was kinda like this
then this
then this
now i'm this
Ok I've gottcha! It's a talisman or amulet. I have made "medicine bag" with crystals and such in the past. Never heard it called a Pookah before.

Pookah is my dog Spooks nickname. If you have ever seen the movie "Harvey" with Jimmy Stewart he talks about Harvey the invisible rabbit as a Pookah. A mythological creature of good fortune. Discribes my dog perfectly
Yep only you create a sentient spiritual being and attach it to the amulet... And yes Jimmy Stewart is correct.. Although when I was little I had an imaginary invisible rabbit that was 6'0 and talked .... Scared the crap outta me
Awesomeness..Hubby made me a dreamcatcher because of my horrible nightmares. Dunno if it works, I sometimes get a zinger every now ad again but they are nowhere near as bad as they were before

He added amethyst beads, rose quartz, and black hematite along with a couple real obsidian arrowheads. It is a treasure to me.

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