Have Never Had 3 Day Old Chicks Before - Please Help - Poo Problem

Aussie new mum

In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 21, 2008
Brisbane, Queensland
I have 4 xx3 day old silkie bantam chicks I purchased to replace my 2 pekin bantams that were killed by a fox. I have them in a special box inside the house with heat and shavings on the floor and mash and am changing the water twice a day. One of them had some hard poo hanging from her bottom fluff so I took her out and gently softened it with a wet tissue and managed to get it all off. I had read if they get a poo build up this could cause a major problem. It all seems to be clean now. Did I do the right thing? Any suggestions would be great. Thank you so much. Justine
they call that pasty butt... you did the right thing. it happens to chicks when they are little. as long as you remove the poo so it doesn't block any more coming out that is good. sometimes there is some near the area, I usually clean them also, but it is not as bad as a blockage. make sure they get lots of fresh clean water and chick starter. I put sugar in the water when I first get them, but only for a day or so. some think that causes pasty butt, I don't know, but I have had it either way. sugar water or no sugar water.
other people may have some ideas for you also.
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That happened to my chicks too.You did the right thing!
Yes you did the right thing. Keep an eye on that chick, it may paste up again. Usually after the first week you won't have any more problems with pasty butts.

Good l;uck with your new chicks!
Just like the others said, you did the exactly right thing! I had one chick that kept pasting up and I read somewhere that you can use vaseline to prevent pasting up. I put a little vaseline on her bottom and no more pasty butt.
The vaseline is used to make the down on their rears slippery to prevent build-up. It worked for me!
I used a tablespoon of dark molasses to a quart of their drinking water for a week or so -- Once they get big enough to reach their own behinds, pasty butt is usually a gone problem.

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