have to ask why ????

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I kinda understand what you are saying lannabun.
I check the site everyday for new infor, but rarely post anymore.
There is a click here, I am not neccessarily saying that that is a bad thing....but it is hard for newbies. I have a pet rescue group and that takes up a lot of my computer time, so I am not on the site a lot, I was at first but.......I just see a trend that there is a circle of friends here. Nothing wrong with that, just the way life is.
I will say I have gottens tons of GREAT info from this site. It has helped me so much with my flock and I am very thankful for it.
I agree with GAHen - I think maybe some of them are active on chat at night and become friendlier that way. I'm just guessing, because I am never on a computer at night, so I don't know.

But it's fun to be on the sidelines and see them joke with each other and pull pranks. If you feel left out too much, then maybe just seek out the informational threads (not the social ones), like that other person suggested.
We love to joke, around here. Please take it with a grain of salt. Some of us have a wicked sense of humor. I know of one I can name right now but won't. His name rhymes with urple icken.
Please stick around. We mean no harm. Try joining in on Chat to get to know people...Gloria
Sorry you are having a bad time here. As it is a public board ANYone can get one here. If you are getting bad or harassing emails, forward the conversation/pm/emails to a mod and we will work from there. It is a public place that most try to be helpful but just like real life there are some bad apples that end up packed with the rest. Don't let those spoil the whole bunch for you. See you around.
when I first got my chickens I was glad to have found this site - at first I felt left out - when ever I posted something it rarely got an answer I was really thinking about not posting anything ever - or just stop coming here, but I stayed hung around and I am glad I did. I have never had a post " go wrong " and now I feel like part of the " click " because when I post something it is not long before someone answers me. So take it from a fellow newbie hang around it will get better - wait till spring when everone is hatching and busy with babies - no-one will have time to argue than LOL

hope you stay


I am sorry that you feel attacked. Honestly, I think a lot of us that are here have felt that way a time or two also. And I think it probably happens on lots of forums (I have one I LURK on with lots of great info.. but sometimes the posts scare me, so I've never joined).

I do understand where you are coming from.. I've actually noticed it myself on a few threads on here. I think the others are right, can't have this many people and have everyone get along.

And also- gotta take everything with a grain of salt. NO one can see YOUR situation, so sometimes snap judgements are made. I apologize if I have personally made you feel small.. I work hard to watch what I say and to be open to others.. I tend to avoid topics that I think will get heated (or start to post.. then change my mind. Because.. Silence Is NOT agreement!).

Please just remember, only a small percentage of the people on here post a lot.. I'm sure many more are like me. Lurk, post a bit, lurk. I still get to know everyone, but it's on my own terms. I'm glad to see friendships here, but sometimes it does tend to leave the rest of us out. I don't think it's a sign that those people are unfriendly, though, or trying to exclude. I know I personally don't always put myself out there (my mother thinks I'm secretive, other people think I'm snobby or reserved.. really I'm just shy).

And with any group- about any subject- some people will have VERY strong opinions. Just take what you want, and leave the rest. It isn't worth feeling bad about, most of the time. Having a strong opinion doesn't make that opinion correct! (coming from someone who often has strong opinions..)

And if people are personally attacking you, or making you uncomfortable through PMs and e-mail CONTACT THE MODS. That's a big part of the reason we have them

Heaven only knows, I have been at the center of a few controversies in my short 4 months here. But the expectation that 5000 people are always going to agree or be nice is unreasonable. I can't even get my 3 kids to get along all the time.

I'm sorry if you have had a bad experience here. Try to let some of the negative stuff roll of your back. There are always going to be some who agree and some who disagree, but please don't withhold sharing, because we need to learn from you too.

Hope you don't quit and that we will still see your postings here.
I'm sorry for your bad dealings with this site and/or a few people from it................I found out real fast on here that everyone has an opinion about something and it's not always the same veiw as you or I. You have to be a little thick skinned to be on some of these sites if you plan on posting because, you never know what somebody will reply with! I just hope I've not offened you in any way, shape or form...........................One thing about websites are ....you don't see the emotion you only read it so, some that maybe joking may not be taken that way.
Ok, this place is much like most communities, there are always going to be those that come across as a bit rude or a little to "know it all" and some will be just an arse.

So, my advice, keep coming here - learn and enjoy those that like me are helpful and enjoy the birds you raise, they are your which ever breed we choose to raise, we embrace them and love them.

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