have we talked about the new KFC double down sandwich? (w/ picture)

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thats when you make up a huge bowl of tuna salad the night before for lunch, and throw the chicken in a crockpot. mashed potatoes dont take very long to throw together either. for breakfast, make a bowl of oatmeal, you dont even need a microwave, have the water heating while you get dressed.
i agree with that. my drug of choice is the mchicken sandwich or a fish taco from long john silvers.

how are those fish tacos?

they are sooo good! i had never had one before and they were very good.
Sorry, I for one would eat a small breakfast, have that for lunch, and then a small dinner. Not often, just maybe once in awhile. Looks dang good to me. Lets see, I haven't had lunch yet, granola bar and skim milk for breakfast, hmmmm, wheres KFC?
the poor folks?

like i said, my husband works 1 fulltime job and a side job..we make at most 2000 a month, and that is rare. we have 6 kids, recieve no government assistance in caring for them either. i make all of my daughters clothing, i cook everything from scratch and we manage ok. we are well below the poverty line. we also have no extended family to help us when things get bad either. my husband was almost killed when he was hit by a car, and the medical bills from that has ruined our credit so we cant even get a loan if we wanted to. it can be done. you just have to want to do it.
Classy, real classy

(BTW: it's heifer )

sorry but 16 and weighing 230 is HUGE! They are cows~ I already warned you all, It's mean but true~
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don't tell me. go tell the poor folks.

also, the above menu i listed was what we did when we had just recovered from being homeless a few years ago. my husband and i both had to work and it was pure chaos, but we still managed to cook and eat at home. we lived off of cheap, basic food because we could stretch it out and it was decent quality.
i have to admit though, i wouldnt want to go back to that schedule, thats for sure.
sorry but in urban areas things are a little different. no jobs avail, single moms, etc, etc,

i'm not saying you are not struggling too but a lot of people just are not as smart as you are.
i lived in north tulsa. trust me, you want ghetto, there you go. anyone from oklahoma can tell you that its very very ghetto and urban.
and i am so glad we moved!
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