Have you ever gotten roosters when ordering female chicks?


6 Years
Jun 9, 2017
I'm curious how common this is.

I am ordering from a hatchery that only sells in sets of ten. I'd like no more than 9 hens and a single rooster. Given how they only sell in sets of ten I'm pretty much limited to only buying 10 sexed chicks and forgoing a rooster.

They have a supposed 90 percent sex guarantee. I'm interested in how accurate this is. I was wondering how likely it is that I'll end up with a rooster if I order 10 sexed chicks.
I ordered 7 chicks from Ideal Poultry, 3 Easter Eggers, 2 Dominiques, and 2 Welsummers. All of them were supposed to be pullets, well 1 EE and 1 Welsummer ended up being cockerels.
Of the total of 13 chicks that I purchased (2 different places), I got one roo.

As for getting a roo for your flock, check craigslist, facebook or the rehoming section of this forum. People always tend to end up with extra roos that they don't want to dispatch, so they are more than happy to give them away to a good home.
Unless they are sex linked, there is no guarantee of gender.

Question: if you want 9 pullets and 1 covered, why not just order 9 pullets and 1 cockerel?
I'm ordering from Hoover's and they require a minimum of 5 chicks of any of their options, i.e. I can't order a single rooster.

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