Have you ever had a nice rooster?

My rooster is only nice to me. Everyone else he hates. I love him to pieces and he returns the favor by fighting off hawks. He alerts the hens of an overhead danger, be it a butterfly, plane, or hawk.
I had a nice rooster once, but I think it was only because He was new to the flock and not yet fully grown. Yes, that is also how he died. Stupid, I know. He was my little dude, The only one who loved me.:hit
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He loved to cuddle, Play, and He would even hide behind me whenever I came in the coop.
Aw I’m really sorry :hugs*hugs*
Yes, I have four nice roosters right now but only two like to be handled. They are both Appenzeller Spitzhauben roosters. View attachment 1313798

Gotta love the Spitzes! Our boy, Drumsticks, was a very sweet boy. Because he could fly, he'd hop the fence & was always the 1st chicken to greet me in the morning..... because he's wait by our back door. LOL

I have a rooster that is coming on a year old. He was one of 3 roosters we hatched from chicks and the only one who got to stay. He was never aggressive toward me last summer and was very respectful to my hens. I live in New England so we’re finally getting out of winter. Over the winter he started coming after me. I’ve carted him around petting him and what not for awhile a couple of times, but it lasts a week or so and then he comes right back to being extremely temperamental. Is this a symptom of them being confined to their run and coop all winter (they won’t willingly come out in the snow). Do you more experienced keepers think he will mellow out this spring/summer when it’s bucer and they’re willing to come outside? My husband and I are going to make improvements to their run this year to keep snow out as best we can.
I have a rooster that is coming on a year old. He was one of 3 roosters we hatched from chicks and the only one who got to stay. He was never aggressive toward me last summer and was very respectful to my hens. I live in New England so we’re finally getting out of winter. Over the winter he started coming after me. I’ve carted him around petting him and what not for awhile a couple of times, but it lasts a week or so and then he comes right back to being extremely temperamental. Is this a symptom of them being confined to their run and coop all winter (they won’t willingly come out in the snow). Do you more experienced keepers think he will mellow out this spring/summer when it’s bucer and they’re willing to come outside? My husband and I are going to make improvements to their run this year to keep snow out as best we can.
More space + more hens = happy, less aggressive rooster

More space means he won’t feel territorial, so he won’t be aggressive. More hens are good if you have multiple roosters. They’ll each have their own flock and no aggression should arise.
I've only had one rooster so far (barred rock). My sister gave him to me when he was about 5 months old. She held him and messed with him every day when he was growing up in hopes that he would be tolerant to handling and not flog people. He was extremely skittish when he came to live with me. I tried everything from holding him and trying to give him treats, to just letting him do his own thing and not bothering him. By the time he started coming of age where he was interested in the hens he was not a sweet guy anymore. He would flog me if I just walked past "his girls" to go collect eggs. I finally had to let him go back to my sister's house because I have a five year-old nephew that loves to go out and pet the chickens and I was worried what Smaug would do to him. I'm kinda hoping at least one of my eight baby chicks will be a rooster so I can give it another go.

That being said, I do believe there are nice roosters out there. I think breed has a lot to do with it. My sister has some very sweet roosters that come running to her when they see her. Don't give up. There will be a nice one for you.
Gotta love the Spitzes! Our boy, Drumsticks, was a very sweet boy. Because he could fly, he'd hop the fence & was always the 1st chicken to greet me in the morning..... because he's wait by our back door. LOL
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Zelly flies over the fence and sits on the window sill crowing at me to come out. If I leave the door open, just a little bit, he comes in.

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