Have you ever had one of those days??

How is this transformation program work? I know I'm going to have to get to that point later with my dd! I was about to chuff her by the ears when she was disrespecting me and the teacher for a few days. Next step was detention. UGH!
Its basically what i put; its a very give/take thing..

demands COMPLETE respect...

its not an option..

basically if someone comes in the house --generic example-- and demands an afterschool snack..
you just tell them. I dont feel like making you one. (WALK AWAY)..leaves the kids in total shock..
then..wait for it..they'll ask why..you say; because you didnt ASK me, you demanded it. I dont appreciate it and
you will NOT get a snack today. walk away.

do this day after day with each thing they disrespect you others with..they'll learn ..
but there is more to it than that..thats just the easiest to tell you about..
Thanks for you kind words! I definitely was trying to make you feel better, not really asking for advice, but I do soooo appreciate it! He is my step-son, and doesn't take kindly to anything I have to say. End of story. Both of my sons are great! One has been married four years and has a wonderful wife and baby, out on his own supporting his family. My youngest son is 17 and doing fine in school and is VERY anti drug. I love him sooo much, and he's got great friends and he's a super kid. We are sooo close.

Dev, my step son is another story. I have to be true here.....soooooo hard to love. I wanted to nip this in the bud the first time it happened (with pills), but my husband (his dad) will not let me handle it. I was going to take him to a juvenile probation officer with the drugs, and this officer would help me manage him, and he would have had requirements. But hubby said no way. I did convince him to do a drug test on my step son. I did not want the step son to have a car! I am constantly over ruled. And I hate to say this, but I've kind of given up. I worry about my kids, and he can handle his. Hubby has finally started stepping up and taking control, because it's getting out of hand.....

We'll see what happens......

Well, I have to leave for a bit! You all take care!
seriously guys..I am not a liar...

my basement has flooded...
what SUPER Sucks is this house was sold as a DRY house; meaning no floods inthe basement; well come to find out they DID have them..
they just werent upfront and honest..good Christian ppl they were..former members of our church..humph..

what even more super sucks..is this is where my business is..but we've learned from losing thousands in inventory; put everything up on
pallets..which we do..and have..but some of this water in certain areas are up to the top of the pallets..its supposed to rain more...
and we have NO SUMP PUMP and NO drain in the basement..

soo..all we can do to clean it up, is mop it, wring it out in bucket..carry upstairs and dump...it'll take about 400 trips to get it done..t
then an industrial fan for a few days..then mop with bleach to kill potential mold..so about mid next wk I should be getting ready to mop
with bleach..
so my biz is on hold for a few days...

(of course you cant SEE water as its not colored..but its there..shiny = wet lol)


The gold bags are USPS priority bags..they are soaked...
I can't deal with the past 24 hrs very well..I'm going to bed..with a bowl of chocolate frozen yogurt and watching some tv...
and I swear; if my son talks to me...I'm gonna bop him...
(said with love)...

but i need some down time..obviously I cant sleep in tomorrow now..I gotta start on my dumb basement...
I don't envy you... I have been there with my BIL (like a step-son relationship) It SUCKED and within that timeframe DH and my marriage was tested to the max. Counsling (I really hope that he is in it), helped... I mean for the child and also a wake up call for Dad. Doing nothing isn't an option- he is hurting himself and the sooner it is nipped in the butt the better. And Dad needs to wake up on this matter and know that you guys need outside help. We are now 5 years past the tipping point with BIL and I can look back on that year/ year and a half and see how fare we have come since that point. Hang in there.

And to the original poster- ULG you have me in pain just listing out all that has happened.... And that was just with the three P's without the rest going to pot with you. I hope things look better soon! And please find yourself a good water vacume it does wonders with keeping up with the water- bad news is you have to keep sucking up the water.
Thanks..Hubby is now home from work..off to work on the basement...
I was SUPPOSED to do something tonight...imagine that...

but its 10 am here...so I have 2 hrs to work on the basement...
pick up my son at 1230 from church drama practice...
come home..get lunch..get him to a place 45 min one way away..
come back...finish the basement..
clean the van out (and the deer hair etc..from the door from when it ran into it)...
all while its raining and about 38 out..coollddd..brrr..
then gotta get inside shower get ready and be at church by no later than 530...

see how my basement flooding will really eat into my day of possibly NOT
going to do what I had to do...

I'm off to take aspirin and a good healthy dose of muscle relaxers after my hauling water stuff..

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