have you seen this experiment-- Hatching eggs with no shells


Premium Feather Member
9 Years
May 27, 2015
A friend showed me this video of a Japanese experiment hatching eggs without shells in order to view the developing embryo.

edit-- how do I put an actual (youtube) video in a post rather than a link?
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That's cool. Wonder what happened to the others. Probably not a good hatch rate this way. Thanks for sharing! :D
not a science project i want to undertake at this point. I don't see the benefit to it.

yes I agree! once is enuf! The chicks/embryos are expendable items to the scientists. I imagine you want your own chicks to have the essential experience of breaking out of their own shells.....
yes I agree! once is enuf! The chicks/embryos are expendable items to the scientists. I imagine you want your own chicks to have the essential experience of breaking out of their own shells.....
IT's not that, I just assume more would die, then live, since it's an "experiment" and enough die the old fashioned way, and in an incubator, with out adding something like this to the process.

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