Have you tried My Pet Chicken's hatching eggs?

Pampered chicken girl

🎶We'll make the mundane our masterpiece🎶
Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
I am planning on getting some wheaten Ameraucana eggs from MPC hatchery. 1.Have you ever hatched MPC's?
2.How was your hatch rate?
3. Did they ship extra eggs for you?
4. Did they arrive intact?
5. Anything else I need to know about ordering eggs?
I haven't but, the local 4h poultry Lady has, half of hers hatched, which is good for shipped eggs. No extras (atleast for her order) but they all arrived whole but most had typical shipped eggs aircell issues. I think she had Chocolate Orpingtons. But since it's many breeders, you'll likely not get the same breeder.
She bought them for the 4h kids to show, out of the I think, dozen that hatched, two were *almost* show quality, which were shown but had a few flaws and didn't place. But it's good for the kids to learn how to show. If you want them, they'll be great!
Here's the breeders guide, just incase you need some genetic diversity for breeding. http://ameraucanabreedersclub.org/breedersdirectory.html

I haven't but, the local 4h poultry Lady has, half of hers hatched, which is good for shipped eggs. No extras (atleast for her order) but they all arrived whole but most had typical shipped eggs aircell issues. I think she had Chocolate Orpingtons. But since it's many breeders, you'll likely not get the same breeder.
She bought them for the 4h kids to show, out of the I think, dozen that hatched, two were *almost* show quality, which were shown but had a few flaws and didn't place. But it's good for the kids to learn how to show. If you want them, they'll be great!
Here's the breeders guide, just incase you need some genetic diversity for breeding. http://ameraucanabreedersclub.org/breedersdirectory.html

Oh thanks I would love to show! Maybe I'll get some good ones.

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