Have your chickens ever eaten screws????

Thank you bird sitter and llandry,

I'm saying my prayers that I have a better feeling hen tomorrow morning!

This is the third night away from the flock. I'm thinking that tomorrow at some point I will let her join her sisters or should I just put her in at night?

If she is not any better, i will be off to the vet that's an hour away....

I will let you know how it turns out, thanks kindly

GOOD Morning, advice needed !

Well, Bea made a nice big poop for me ... watery to start, but a normal consistancy and size followed that. I felt her crop. here is the question; what should be left inside the crop? Grit? or does it completey empty? I believe it's the push-pin that is laying sideways in her crop!! Hard and not round...

She wants to eat, should I feed her?
Should we take off to the vet?
Doctor appointment at 9:30 am tomorrow!
An hours drive, can you believe that I live amongst all sorts of farms and NO livestock vets anywhere?!?!?!
The doctor asked me to help her, this is a good thing for me to learn how to do :)

The crop still has one small spot that's hard ~ must be the push-pin (it's lying sideways).
She wants to eat so badly ;( She was eating meal worms this morning. I'm going to try and see if she will take an egg.

On top of all this, she may have a little infection that is not making her appetite all that good either ;(

I hope that she can go one more day....

Everything that can possibly be crossed is crossed for you both!!!!
Good Luck.
I had a chicken that swallowed three screws, I see that someone posted my story. I wish I had seen your story earlier! Hopefully the screw is still in the crop. Once it leaves there the situation may be probably be a bit more difficult. Let us know how things work out.
Well Gang.... Just back from the Vet.

X-ray taken, Bea has the push pin and another piece of metal (not sure what it could be, maybe a screw, nut or a lead pellet from a BB gun) IN HER GIZZARD !!!!!
Doctor recommended to operate on her
or she will starve to death. So that's why she hasn't wanted to eat, the metal is toxic to the body and it's very painful for her to eat.

I had delivered about a month ago fresh top soil to lay down in the new flower beds that we have been working on. Little did I know that this top soil wasn't really clean...

Before I can let my hens out again, I have to walk the yard with a metal detector. I can't believe i have to go through this...

I will hear from the vet later today to see how the surgery went (if she even makes it through), and what it was that we could not identify.

I wonder how long I will have to keep her from the rest of the flock, and if the pecking order will change or be stressful for her upon returning
I just received BAD NEWS :((

Beatrice has been sick for a lot longer then the 10 days I have been watching her...
The Doctor has opened her up, the crop is not smooth, and she can't get to the gizzard because there is so much inflammation, scar and necrotic tissue!

I might have to put her down...she is so very young - only 7.5 months old ;(

I'm sooooooo sorry!!! I feel just awful. What started as me just asking about my silly chicken eating screws has turned into the saddest thing! My heart goes out to you and Bea. Now I'm worried about my little "pretty girl" all over again.

Consider yourself hugged :(

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