Having a real bad day...more help needed please


11 Years
Mar 13, 2008
After my horrendous experience with the unhatched abandoned eggs earlier today, I went to check on the unhatched but peeped egg from early this morning. I couldnt see the egg anywhere and then discovered it under the towel and the peep hole full of shaving dust. The little chick was still breathing, just, and I cleared the hole and put it on top of the nest. Mummy and other chicks were at the other end of the coop. She came and looked at the now cheeping egg and the others started to peck it. After an hour of her ignoring it and the others pecking it, he was half out. Mummy hen then started to peck at its body and then go back over to her babies. It is starting to get dark and cold and he was freezing but still laid there motionless except for breathing,so I decided to bring him into the house as he'll never survive the night alone.

Is this normal behaviour? Should I just put him back under her?
I she hatched some chicks, and the one you brought inside makes it, I would put it back out with the others after it gets strong enough to move around, eat, and drink on its own. Stuff like this happens, chickens aren't the smartest of animals...lol She should take it back after that though. Good luck!
After it fluffs out and dries off, make sure it has had some water and food, then slip it back under the momma hen during the night. She should accept it with all the others when morning arrives.
He is cheeping and starting to move his head about but not dry yet and def. not able to drink or eat.
Should I wait until tomorrow night now?
I'd wait to tomorrow night. Chickens can't count so the mother will never know. Wait til he is fully dry and has had something to eat and drink to get his strength up.
I decided to try and put the baby back today when I was cleaning out the hen house and could watch them closely. I put him in a basket at the end of her coop and left him there for 15 mins and every time he cheeped mum stopped and looked over. Then I took him out and put him under her, she looked at him, pecked him once and then acepted him. I checked them regularly for the day and tonight he is snuggled under her with his 3 siblings. I am so pleased and fingers crossed for tomorrow morning.

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