Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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We are hoping to get the first pages up and available in the spring time. It's taking a huge amount of work and we only two computer savvy people helping right now.

It's going to be great when it's finished though.
What do I do so I can see the pictures. All I get is a little box with a red "x". I click on it and nothing happens. Hope someone can help as I am missing a lot of pictures.
I edited some titles for some pictures I had uploaded to the group photobucket album... turns out our chicks were NOT what they were supposed to be.
We thought they were just immature...
Thanks poltroon... I had to go back and edit my own pictures that used to say "pullet". She ended up being a Roo!

thedeacon asked
What do I do so I can see the pictures. All I get is a little box with a red "x". I click on it and nothing happens. Hope someone can help as I am missing a lot of pictures.

If you are referring to the finished product pages... they don't exist yet. They are still being put together. We are hoping by next spring we'll have a good part of this up and available.​
I can't wait to see this!! I am constantly asking ppl what kind of chick I have since I am new to chickens and have ordered several assortments!! It's hard to wait till they are grown to know what kind you have!!

I would be glad to help in any way possible. I have several bantam breeds and RIR. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Hey guys,

I've been totally out of the loop with school and my kakbucks accounts won't let me in, so . . .

I have a lot of the photos people have submitted, I don't know the best way to get them to whoever is putting them up.

Hi Kendra

I have all so been out of the loop, with work, kids, and everything else in between.

you know I'm not sure how to get the photos going, I have my own web page for my chinchillas, i know how to do on that, so if there is any way of getting, MY Pages, with all the chickens info that i put together, to a main page for the forum, and transfer my pics to photo bucket, and then put them on the pages, I have no more room in my uploads, and Nifty is trying to get more upload room,

so I guess the thing now is to Transfer MY Page w/ all the info to the main forum link so we can get the pics on.
I just got all of the photos that I have (except some of MY chick photos that I have yet to identify the breeds, I lost track of everything as they got older) onto the private photobucket site.

I have NOT gone through the public photobucket site to pull photos off.Nor have I gone through the last few months of posts to see if anyone posted any new photos to the thread.

Frankly, I think it's been easier to have people post photos to a thread, as long as someone is watching and pulling them off onto their computer asap.

If you can figure out how to put folders into the private group folder by breed, or if you want to pull those photos off and organize them into folders on your computer so you know what you have and can toss it up on byc once we figure out how to get more photo storage that would work too. They should pretty much be in order by breed at this point, as I have them organized into breed folders on my computer and uploaded a folder at a time into photobucket.

We probably need to go through and figure out exactly which photos we have and which we need, what info we have and what we need.

I agree that we should have an "other photos" section for each breed.

We should do another push for photos. People will probably have more time after the holidays, but I have time now to work on it and probably won't after Jan 5 (school starts again) so I may start a thread.

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