Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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Well, that should get us rolling
How are we gonna break this down again? I'm thinking we should start with the more common breeds so that when people go to use it, it is good for most right from the get-go..... adding the rarer breeds as we go.
There is a strange-in-a-good-way chicken site that has a watch a chick grow photo page that is a good example of this. It also has tons of other useful info, but it is kinda disorganized? Anyways, the site uses frames so I can't link to the page directly, just the site.

If you'd like to check it out go here The Chicken Box ,and select the Growing chick link that is in the center (purple colum) of the top frame. I can't wait until there is something like this for every breed! I wish I could help with pics but I'm just a newb.
I've never used this program. Can an excel file be put into that format so I could create it in excel and then upload it? Or can you show me where to go to access it

I think we should just have a list of breeds, and if people want to submit rare breed photos, great! If we are splitting things up between 4 or 5 of us I don't think we'll be overwhelmed. It's not like we have to get photos reformatted right away, and a lot of people will be taking pics as their chicks grow.

We'll also need to think about how to approach different colors of the same breed. Do we want all 14 (or however many there are) silkie colors represented differently?
I think when it comes to colors that we should go with the most common color and just have an additional gallery of other colors that exist.

And maybe some kind of general color section that shows color patterns.... like in my DOG book they show a representation of the breed and then a little box that shows a sample of the color varities that are available. And then the general color section can show a couple of examples of how the color looks on different breeds.

I lay awake many nights fine tuning my ideas for all things chickens..... LMAO I'm sure I'll be up all night thinking of things to do
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Great! Google Docs looks so easy even I can do it.

So, let's divide up some breeds and get started:

I think these are the people who want to be involved:


I'm going to put together a list of breeds that I think would be good to start with, please comment on the list.

Edited because I hit the enter button before I was finished... duh! (Told you computer is not my first language.:|)
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I'm choosing these breeds because I agree with Guitartists to start with more common breeds and then add on from there. If you want to add or delete to this list ... feel free to come to my house and make me!
Not really, just say so as I could be missing some and you might think the a breed is more common than I do.


Barred Plymouth Rock
Jersey Giants
Modern Game
Naked Neck
New Hampshire
Old English Game Fowl
Sex-links and Stars
Rhode Island Red

Again, I tried to pick the breeds that most people seem to ask questions about to get us started. Feel free to speak up if you disagree with this list in any way. I'm actually wondering if we should keep the Game Fowls on this starting list??

Right now there are 23 breeds listed - so that is five to six breeds for each person to work on.

How does this sound?
Sounds great.. though I think we should DEFINTELY include an EE, Aruacana, Ameraucana right from the get go as well, since EEs are sooooooo common around here and it will help answer a lot of questions
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