Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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Looks good to me, Chirpy!

Guitarists wrote:
I think we should DEFINTELY include an EE, Aruacana, Ameraucana right from the get go as well, since EEs are sooooooo common around here and it will help answer a lot of questions

I didn't include them only because there are sooooo many different looks to them. But, you are certainly right - they (at least the EE's and Ameraucana's) are very popular. What do the rest of you think about starting out with these also? We probably should include them ... they could take up several pages so we may need to think about how to include them.

OH OH My hubby is a computer engineer and he could do a program that will allow you too click on the picture and age that you want and all the pictures would come up?? I talked to him and he said he would be willing to do it. What does everyone think.
I couldn't get the site to work.

The list looks good. Does anyone have pictures already taken of any of these breeds?

Anyone know they can take pictures of any of these breeds? Makes sense for us to format pictures we're taking personally. And I like the idea of collecting multiple pictures and using the best ones.

I can do Cornish Cross for a basic broiler (I know this wasn't officially on the list, but it's a standard broiler cross, so would probably be good to have), and I have Ameraucanas, Buff Orpingtons, Blue Standard Cochins coming at the end of the month. And Golden Buffs hatching at the end of the month. I know not all of these are on the list, but I'll take pics so I have them when we want to use them.

I should also have Buckeyes, Cuckoo Marans, Silkies and (hopefully) buff Brahmas by the end of the summer.

Just to get us thinking I thought I'd post some progressive pictures of my Silkie (almost 100% sure Roo). We can all critique the pictures to decide what we want to include in the 'real' pictures.

Partridge Silkie Roo

One day old:


Two weeks old:


One month old:


Here's a picture of his head to show why I believe he's a Roo at this age and to give others some possible help in determining the sex of theirs. Obviously if we used these pictures we couldn't use the head shots until I'm 100% positive he's a roo.



Ok, my thoughts - I didn't use the same background, I didn't have the chick facing the same direction, I didn't quite include his feet in all pictures.

Are these a concern to us? Obviously people can't use the same background since they don't all live in the same house
, can we suggest a solid color for them to use? I think we should.

Do the chicks have to be all facing the same direction? I have him facing two different directions - is that a problem for you? Will it mess people up?

Is there enough of his feet in the picture to show his leg color? Do we need to see toes?

What about the head shots. I think we should include them at certain ages to give people an idea on what the combs/wattles look like of future roos or hens.

Let me know what you're thinking.
I think it would be best if we make a "rule cheat sheet" for those who are going to participate in taking photos.

Yes, I think they should all face the same way and include the entire body. Then it would be nice to include a top body and front head shot of all breeds... and additional pics for special things like "Silkie feet" or "Rumpless bottom "
I don't think they all have to face the same way. I was trying to take pictures today and it was more of what I could get, not what I wanted them to do.

Any picture taking suggestions are welcome! The week olds were much more cooperative than the juvies or adults!

On that note, maybe we should have some tips to getting good pictures?

Ok - we need some more input from others here; specifically on the facing direction.

When I take the pictures I have my daughter hold the chick in the spot until I am in position and then she releases the chick and I take the picture.

What about the background color? What's a good color to show off all colors? White against white doesn't work so it needs to be some shade of something.
I'm sorry, I just keep picturing trying to get my 2 year old to help hold chicks for photos. She loves helping with the chicks and ducklings.

But having someone help is a great idea!

A lot of people on ebay use a light grey or khaki background. I like the light grey. For some reason it helps show off colors better. No matter what color we choose we're going to end up with some problems with certain colors showing up. White and black are easier for people to replicate, but aren't the best to take photos against.

Maybe we want to try and meet in the chat room one night to brainstorm?

Just a thought.
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