Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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I don't know if everyone got the message from chirpy with her photo site to use. I don't think it's as user friendly as photobucket. We can make folders and edit photos once they're already uploaded, as well as change file names, etc. in photobucket. I'll try and send a link to everyone with the address, since it's a page just for us organizers.

We could make one that's open to everyone where people could upload their images into a breed folder and then the group covering that breed could pull them off and edit them.

Does that sound easier than having photos sent directly to someone? If we did that people wouldn't have to worry about who they were sending photos to, and they'd be stored on photobucket so we wouldn't lose them if someone's computer crashed or whatever. (although I sure hope that doesn't happen to any of us!)

I can open that group in a heartbeat, so just let me know if you like that idea.

If you don't get a pm from me with the link to the organizers page let me know!
OK, You should all have the link to the photobucket site, but it won't let me do the same things , like may folders, that you can do in a private album. It also isn't letting me make many changes to the photos after they are uploaded. That isn't a problem, really, since we can all upload photos already cropped and everything, I just thought it would let us do it in photobucket

Can we have folders for each breed and/or each group on the other site?

I did make a public group that people can upload photos to. I think we should ask people to start uploading photos that they have to the site (or sending privately to someone from that breed's group). On photobucket they can make a title (I'd recommend Breed, Color (if applicable), sex (pullet, roo, unsexed), and age). They can also put a tag on the photo with their name so the photo can be credited or anything else they want to add.

Is everyone OK with starting a new thread with that info?
Suggested new topic: We need your photos!

Please help us build a chick identification photos.

We're looking to compile a photographic database that will eventually be searchable by key words, etc in order to help people identify the breed and/or sex of their birds. We encourage ALL BYC members to submit photos for the project... you don't have to be a pro, just follow these simple guidelines.

If you have a breed that you can follow from beginning to end, please let us know! If you only have a picture of a certain age... that's fine too!

Whether you already have photos or will be able to start taking photos of your chicks when they hatch or arrive please have or will soon have.

Please let us know what photos you will be able to contribute!

Instructions for taking photos, exactly which photos we need, and where/how to submit your photos can be found at: https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=7696-Progressive_Pic

so much for your help! This should be a great resource for all of us!
Guitarist, if we want to use the public photobucket site for people to upload pics to could you add this to your blog, please?

Photos can also be uploaded to photobucket at:

Please name each photo you upload to photobucket with Breed, Color (if applicable), Sex (Pullet, Roo, Unsexed), Age
eg: Orpington, Buff, Pullet, 1 Week
eg: Wyandotte, Silver Laced, Unsexed, 3 Weeks

If you would like your name, farm name, or any other info posted with the photos please add this in the "tag" line for EACH photo.

What does everyone think of using photobucket this way?
You're probably sick of hearing from me by now! But you should all have a PM (soon)v with a link to a spreadsheet on googleDocs. We can add or take away at will, and any collaborator can invite other people. I'm hoping the links will work through PM, otherwise I can send invites to your emails.

I filled in a couple areas that I know I'll be able to do so you can see what I had in mind. I thought for each photo we could mark it as promised, received, or formated/uploaded as appropriate.


Okay, just read through to catch up after I was sans computer for the last 5 days (except a couple times I logged on at a friends house). Sorry 'bout that. For the record, I will also be gone from June 20-June 29/30....vacation, finally, but without computer access unless I want to pack it into my kayak and cross my fingers for some wi-fi out in the wilds of Ontario!

Whew, a lot has transpired on this thread

I will get to work as soon as I can, I have a bunch of backlog documentation and billing I have to enter for work since I didn't have a computer for most of this week.

I have to go now, but will log back on in awhile to get started on looking through the web sites, photobuckets, etc.

Thanks all of you for your phenomenal organization and input, this should have an awesome outcome.
OK everyone,

You should have a link to the photobucket site, and the password, as well as a link to the google document and that password. If you don't and/or you can't get in and access everything please PM me your email address and I will send you a direct invitation.

FYI You will need a personal account for each site, and then you will join the group page/document, but you should be able to get in and view/change anything through your personal account as long as you have the address and password that I sent.

The public site that anyone can upload photos to is www.photobucket.com/BYCUploadChickPhotos There is no password!

If anyone is putting photos up there for us to use please include the breed, color, sex and age of the chick in the photo's title.

And for us organizers, if you have photos that you know you can contribute please fill that info in on the google doc. Let me know if something doesn't make sense!


PS We may want to use the mother site for our photos, I don't know. Whichever people think is the most user friendly.
I think it is wonderful what you are all trying to put together. In reading through this I was wondering if it might be possible for someone to change the background using a photo-editing software? That would allow you to maintain consistency without stressing out the amature photographer. I know my chicks at 9 wks old are not going to stand still for a picture. They just are that well behaved *sigh*
You CAN do that, but will end up with a rough edge on chicks with fluffier feathers, not to mention the labor intensive work it would require to do it well. But, maybe someone wants to take that on? Not me... LOL, I'm busy enough
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