Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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If you guys know for sure what you can contribute PM me or post it here and I'll get it filled in on the spreadsheet so we know what we need to start asking for.
Hi all! I'm back. Wow - you guys are great and have been so busy getting the nitty gritty stuff together. Wonderful job.

I also like photobucket much better than the site I asked you guys about. That site was suggested by Nifty but it isn't as 'user' friendly to me so I wanted your input.

If you all agree lets use photobucket instead.

It's going to take me a little bit to get back into swing here, I have some catch up to do after being gone and we have to get our chicken coop add on finished ... got to get these chicks out of the house and into their new digs.

I'm so glad we have such great computer wizards here who can help those of us not so computer savvy. Thanks guys.
I added this on the Photos Needed Thread to help people who aren't that familiar with photobucket. I hope it helps. Photobucket is pretty self explanatory for most things.

I haven't played with it enough to see if we can make folders and/or edit photos/titles in the public album.


For anyone not completely sure how to use the photobucket site to upload photos for this project here are some tips, and don't hesitate to pm me with questions.

You need an account in photobucket, so if you don't have one already you will have to sign up. Sign into your account and then go to www.photobucket.com/BYCUploadChickPhotos

on the left side it says add to favorites. Do that so you can easily find the site the next time you log into photobucket.

Once you are on that site all you have to do is click the button in the middle of the screen at the top that says "upload now" and it will walk you through uploading your photos.

No password is needed!

Have fun!
I've also added to the page.

Another thought that crossed my mind (I think someone else already mentioned it earlier), I think it would be helpful to add the abbreviations behind the full name of each breed on the final page.
Sorry I haven't been around, I have been super busy with work, trying to catch up on my documentation & billing after my computer cut out, and trying to get everything set for vacation next week. That said, I'm not sure how much, if any time I'm going to be able to put in on this project for the next 2 weeks. I hadn't quite planned for this weeks increase in workload or that this project would take off so quickly and become so involved. I will do what ever it is that I can as I find time to actually sit down and concentrate on this stuff, but I don't want to leave anyone hanging. So, if there is someone else who has offered to help that wants to jump in on what I was assigned to help with that would be appreciated by me and probably the others who are working so hard and doing a phenomenal job of getting this project off the ground.

I do have pictures of some of the breeds throughout day 3 - 15 weeks, but in looking at them there are few that fit the criteria for good pictures. My chickens are not really pets, and I don't have anyone to help hold them (my dogs idea of holding would not result in a pretty picture for the chicken); so getting pictures of the quality and views that are sought after may be outside of my realm. Still, I will keep looking and submit the few that might be of use. Those breeds being: pullets (BR, SS, SLW, BA, & Welsummer), roo (SLW)
Portia - No worries! This is not going to be done in two weeks or two months. This project is going to take some time to get it all together and will, most likely, be a continual, on-going project for a long time.

We'd really love to have your help but it's up to you if you feel you can offer your time. Even if you just have a little time here and there we'd accept it!

Let me know if you want to be taken off totally or if you want to continue to help whenever you have some extra time. We'll take any help we can get.
I was looking at the goggledocs page. And added my name beside of the brahma pictures I am taking. I just got a few brahmas that are buff colored how come there is just light and dark color tabs on that page and not buff.

Just wondering?
Chickenboy8 - We are in the process of adding Buff Brahmas. As we find things like that that were overlooked we will add them. If you see anything else that we missed just let us know. That's why we are all working together!

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