Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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You know, even if we don;t have pictures up yet, we could use a database linked to the Search menu to allow people to narrow down the breeds and maybe just provide a Feathersite link for breeds that we don;t have up yet.
Guitartist, awesome, awesome, awesome.

Looks like a ton of work, but show me what to do and I'm on it

It's been a long and at times very rough weekend. This coming week was supposed to be some down time for me but may turn out to be very rough so I can't promise how much time I'll have. It may be a little and it may be a lot. So if you want to shoot me whatever info I need to work on formatting and stuff and I'll work when I can!

tiki244 asked:
Are we able to view these pictures for identification yet?

Not yet... we are in the very beginning stages of getting this all put together. We will let everyone know once it's available to use as a tool to help people.​
I really do love the webpage Angie put together!

I can't wait to have them up and running.

I'll work on inputting breed info or whatever until Angie gets me details on what I need to be doing with the photos. My stuff can't compare to hers so I'm not even going to try to duplicate it or compete!

Chirpy, how is it coming, getting people who volunteered to help looking for the photos we still need and asking for permission to use them?

I haven't checked the google docs, but hopefully people are putting the info in as they get it.

I will go through Angie's website draft and add columns in our database for the extra things like breed club website.

KAKBucks- I've been going through pictures and adding them to the Google docs as people submit them to either of the threads. I have yet to go through the photobucket site and add pictures from there. I'm having issues with my computer and the photobucket site and my DH now has his computer (that I was using) with him everyday at his new job.

I'm thinking later in the week I'll update the breeds that we still need pictures of. Doing those updates has gotten several people's attention and we've gotten some great pictures from people.
I'll do the update "what we need thread" toward the end of this week it that's Ok with ya'll.

This computer is somewhere around 15 years old (that's really old in computers) and I need my DH's to really get things done. I can use his some evenings and on weekends.
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