Having progressive pictures to help ID chicks

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This may be a dumb question - but when is a chicken considered an "adult?"
I'm running to a problem loading pics on MY Page, I click the add a image, and the box pops up and then i click browse bottom and nothing happens, then i will put in a URL of the pic and all i get is a Box with a Red X in it.


this how i feel right now, i have try do this since last night.
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hippie i think when they lay around 6 months though im not total sure
sorry laura cant help you im not very computer savy i finally got pics to load it took me 2 weeks lol
I'm starting to put Chick info on MY Page,. For the ID Chicks
I have been gather info from here and searches, If i have info missing, that means I don't no or cant find it, if you could PM me or post the info that would be a great Help with me filling all in the info.
Okay, I wasn't sure where to send these so I'm just posting here?

1 Week Old Ameraucana pullet- I shared the order with a friend so the red on the face is marker where I marked mine - don't know if you want to use it. *EDIT* I mean EE pullet! Don't arrest me!


I'm trying to get the muff in this one

1 week Old Red Crested Red Polish - gender unknown


1 week old Silver Polish - gender unknown

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Okay, here is the page I have done for one of our 8 week old chicks.

This is our Cuckoo Marans-Cochin mix cockerel

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Here is the page I have done for one of our 8 week old chicks.

This is our Frizzle Cochin cockerel

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