Having second thoughts on pekin ducks

Count duckulas

In the Brooder
May 18, 2020
Looking at getting 3 pekin ducks in our home garden but finding conflicting infomation on how loud these actually are. Don't particularly like Muscovy ducks (please don't judge) 🤷‍♂️ surely 3 peking won't make a tremendous amount of notice??? Would cambel be a better alternative do you think or not a great deal in it
Looking at getting 3 pekin ducks in our home garden but finding conflicting infomation on how loud these actually are. Don't particularly like Muscovy ducks (please don't judge) 🤷‍♂️ surely 3 peking won't make a tremendous amount of notice??? Would cambel be a better alternative do you think or not a great deal in it
I currently have two Pekins, male and female, but used to have five. The loud ones are normally the females since they have a loud bark like quack, but the males tend to be a lot quieter. My suggestion is to get three males unless you want to hatch some eggs in the future. If you do want to hatch, then I would suggest you get two females and a male to avoid males fighting over the female. Hope this helped!
I have had both I have never thought of either as noisy,. My kackie Drake speaks more than the Perkins, but it is not loud or constant. Ducks don't usually get loud unless disturbed by something.
We are trying our hand at raising blue Swedish ducklings 💜 I don’t know much at all about the different breeds. Sorry I can’t help!
Not very loud unless they panic. Some people get their ducks to imprint on them, then the ducks make a lot of noise when their "mommy" leaves them outside. Or if you only have one duck, it will quack constantly because it doesn't have a flock. As long as life is relaxing, you're not going to hear much from them.
My Pekin clucks more than she quacks. Our K/C is our loudest duck. That is how I knew something was wrong last week when I heard the Pekin quacking when the snake bit the K/C.
Not very loud unless they panic. Some people get their ducks to imprint on them, then the ducks make a lot of noise when their "mommy" leaves them outside. Or if you only have one duck, it will quack constantly because it doesn't have a flock. As long as life is relaxing, you're not going to hear much from them.
Cant stress this enough. My ducks are silent all day untill i bring out the food. They are loud for a minute but as soon as i set the food down, silence untill meal time again.

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