Hawk attack but no evidence

Suzilla Bean

7 Years
Jun 25, 2015
To my dismay, a hawk was proudly having a solid chicken breakfast today. I decided to let the hawk finish eating before I went out there to bury my chicken. What's the point to shooing the hawk away at that point? After a while, I went out to check the carnage only to discover a pile of bloody feathers and blood stains on the grass and all three chickens drinking water. The suspected injured chicken is far too fast for me to catch and I don't want to chase her around just in case she is injured. How can I help her now? What can I do?
I would grab her off the roost tonight and check for injuries, but if she is running around she is 1. very lucky
2. probably not hurt too bad if she can run away fine.
Thank you. I figured as much but I know that chickens won't complain about pain or injury. They have to suck it up.

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