Hawk Attack - Injured Hen


12 Years
Jun 14, 2007
South Carolina
A hawk attacked my little bantam hen, Nellie. My husband beat it off her and saved her. She's still alive but seems kind of in shock. She's got blood on her neck and in her mouth. But she is moving her head around and looking around. Is there anything else
I should do besides keep her quiet?
I brought a small cage in the house and I've got her in the house. She has another wound on her back that I didn't notice at first. Also she's kind of flopping when she tries to move. I cleaned the wound on her back with hydrogen peroxide and she squawked and fussed so I stopped. Now she's just in the cage lying on her stomach but still breathing.
I'm no avian vet, but I'd say treat her visible wounds the best you can and keep an eye on them for infection. Depending on whether or not she has any internal injuries, she should recover.

You mentioned that she was unstable when she moved around. Were there any broken bones in her legs? It is also possible that she received the equivalent of a concussion when the hawk attacked. If that is the case, her equilibrium may be off.

Give her a little food and water, not too much at first, and just keep an eye on her and keep her warm. Make her feel safe. She is traumatized and scared, I'm sure.
I haven't been able to check her legs yet. Right now I'm letting her rest and keeping an eye on her. When she seems a little more stable I'll finish cleaning her wounds and put some antibiotic cream on them. I hope she'll be okay, she's my favorite hen.
It's been 24 hours since the attack and Nellie is recovering. She is eating on her own now. She's kind of lurching around when she walks but her feet and legs seem okay, it's just the injury to her back between her wings that's bad. Her eye is beginning to open so she may not be blind. I'm so thankful she seems to be getting better.
once a hawk attacked my roo
i wish i had my camra!!!!!!

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