Hawk attack...what to look for?


8 Years
May 5, 2011
One of my 2 1/2 month old BO pullets was attacked today, a hawk managed to get onto the dog kennel that they were playing in. We heard the babies, and my roo in the adjoining run going crazy & when I got out there, I saw a huge hawk trying to fly out of the kennel. 1 chick was in the corner untouched, but my lil Sadie was on the ground on her side. I thought she was dead, but my husband picked her up and she slowly started moving around. She doesnt have any punture wounds or blood. Her wing & leg seem injured, though she is walking better tonight. At first her wing would extend when she would try ot stand, but like her leg it seems a bit better. She is eating & drinking....what do I need to look for? When should she be out of the woods? The jerk was only in the kennel for about 1 minute maybe less... Thank you!!
Thank you. I have already fixed the run...I had a piece of tin over the top, the same piece I used before, but it left about a 8 inch gap on the back side. They were only out there about 2 hours and my older chickens have been out there since April & I have NEVER even seen a hawk. I was shocked at how fast he found them. I am going to the basement to check on her now
She seems good!
Walking kinda stiff, and she's a bit puffed up more than usual, but she looks ok! Thank you for asking & your advice

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