Hawk Attack

Still improving. Eye is open now, but still has a little swelling. The wound is clean, no smell or discharge. It is darkening, like it is forming scab, and looks smaller. It would be slightly smaller than a silver dollar now. She is eating a little scrambled egg and salmon twice a day and still laying an egg daily.

We put a pen that is attached to a rabbit hutch next to the other chicken pen. Today is sunny and warmer, so I put her out there, thinking sunshine and fresh air are the best healer. All the chickens are squawking and seem nervous; I guess they want to be together. But yesterday, I took her into the pen with them, just to see what would happen. The other two pecked at her, so I quickly removed her.

Do you think she will be alright out there? We still have some cold nights, so I'll probably bring her in overnight. But I'd like her to stay out there during the day. Truly, I can't stand the smell and mess in my basement. I feel like I have poop on me all the time and the smell is embedding in my nostrils. Gross!!
I would continue with the Triple Antibiotic Ointment on the wound. I like Nustock for leg mites, vent pecking or irritation, and minor wounds, but not for a deep wound.
I’ve used it for deep wounds. It was the only thing that healed it. Just my experience. I won’t hardly use anything else.

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