Hawk Attack...

Kiki A

7 Years
Feb 9, 2012
Well I live in a forest so I've had some wildlife problems before, but about a week and a half ago, my Golden Campine pullet, Spice, was attacked by a hawk. She was fine but she lost half of her tail feathers to it. One more problem is that we have TONS of hawks in our forest, and they are almost always flocking together. So now my semi~ free range birds have about 50 hawks after them. We put strings all around there yard, but it's not keeping out the hawks. Any more ideas?
I don't know if you are able or if it is possible (or legal) in your area, but when hawks are soaring over my birds or roosting in nearby trees, I usually shoot a shotgun toward (not at) them. Seems to send them packing. Others take their place I'm sure but it seems to chase away the menace at the moment. Good luck to you!
you're best bet is probably making a huge pen for them. They will still be able to peck around, but they will be more safe.
Well I live in a forest so I've had some wildlife problems before, but about a week and a half ago, my Golden Campine pullet, Spice, was attacked by a hawk. She was fine but she lost half of her tail feathers to it. One more problem is that we have TONS of hawks in our forest, and they are almost always flocking together. So now my semi~ free range birds have about 50 hawks after them. We put strings all around there yard, but it's not keeping out the hawks. Any more ideas?

I just lost 2 chickens in the past 2 days to what I believe was a hawk due to the type of damage done to the bird. You can also make sure your birds have several shelters they can quickly run under for hiding/shelter. A rooster is good too - he'll warn your birds if he has time. We have a 27-acre field outlined by tree rows - seems the chickens love the tree rows and that is usually where they find themselves trouble. Good luck.
I don't know if you are able or if it is possible (or legal) in your area, but when hawks are soaring over my birds or roosting in nearby trees, I usually shoot a shotgun toward (not at) them. Seems to send them packing. Others take their place I'm sure but it seems to chase away the menace at the moment. Good luck to you!

Hawks are probably not an easy predator to deter - it's not like you can set traps for them or have dogs chase them away like coons, possums, etc. Since I just lost 2 pullets in the past 2 days, I'm going to have to do something as well. My rooster is pretty good at alarming the flock - but even he can only do so much. One of my dogs is really good at barking to let me know anything is out of the ordinary - but he's just a puppy right now and I am looking forward to the day he actually goes and intervenes when there is a problem (again, not sure what can be done once a hawk has attacked... they're pretty quick and ruthless)
I have a dog that is very effective against hawks. They may be fast a catching but are not all that fast at dispatching and consuming a bird that is larger than hawk is. My dog has no problem harassing hawk that lands anywhere on property and ruckuss chickens make eggs him on. He will also drive a hawk off a chicken whether chicken is alive or not. Based on most recent event with owl, dog will not treat hawk with respect if hawk decides to fight over prize.
Thanks everyone but I live in a subdivision so no roosters, we aren't allowed to shoot hawks, and the birds are always in their run when we aren't around.
(By the way, sunflowerparrot, I'm sorry about your pullets.

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