Hawk attacks on our ducks

Illegal to kill? If I feel my life or parts of my body are in danger by hawks I will kill it or attempt at least. I understand they are federally protected and you are not supppse to kill it, but when you endangered you kill. Yesterday I heard my Ancona ducks quacking very load so I ran out and sure enough there was a hawk in my large tree. A few seconds later a dead squirrel just fell from the tree in front of me. I guess the hawk wasnt after my babies.
While I admit a nesting pair of hawks attacking everyone would be miserable, a hawk isn’t going to kill you and isn’t likely to cause you serious injury. My mother worked for the World Bird Sanctuary for many years working with birds of prey. She received some bites and scratches during that time, which were painful, but far from life threatening. I understand that seeing a predator near by is frightening, but there are other options. My neighbors have two large Martin houses which are filled with Purple Martins. I have seen Cooper hawks, Red-tailed hawks, and Great Horned owls, all chased off by a flock of Martins. A friend who lives down my street keeps a large rooster to protect his poultry. Many others keep livestock dogs or fence their birds. Some on here have suggested shooting bottle rockets in the area when hawks are around. Maybe we could try such things rather than advocating the killing of federally protected species.
Illegal to kill? If I feel my life or parts of my body are in danger by hawks I will kill it or attempt at least. I understand they are federally protected and you are not supppse to kill it, but when you endangered you kill. Yesterday I heard my Ancona ducks quacking very load so I ran out and sure enough there was a hawk in my large tree. A few seconds later a dead squirrel just fell from the tree in front of me. I guess the hawk wasnt after my babies.
Illegal to kill? If I feel my life or parts of my body are in danger by hawks I will kill it or attempt at least. I understand they are federally protected and you are not supppse to kill it, but when you endangered you kill. Yesterday I heard my Ancona ducks quacking very load so I ran out and sure enough there was a hawk in my large tree. A few seconds later a dead squirrel just fell from the tree in front of me. I guess the hawk wasnt after my babies.
Illegal to kill? If I feel my life or parts of my body are in danger by hawks I will kill it or attempt at least. I understand they are federally protected and you are not supppse to kill it, but when you endangered you kill. Yesterday I heard my Ancona ducks quacking very load so I ran out and sure enough there was a hawk in my large tree. A few seconds later a dead squirrel just fell from the tree in front of me. I guess the hawk wasnt after my babies.
two pekin ducks. 4months old
In the 3 years we have had ducks, we've had two killed by hawks. Our original, Quackers, saw her sister taken by a hawk. We got another duck named Jelly. She was attacked and killed yesterday in front of Quackers, and my two daughters. It was horrific. We buried Jelly today. I guess my question is why does this keep happening? We live in a development, but two family friends have ducks and this hasn't happened to them. Do we keep replacing the ducks that are getting attacked?? Do we find a new home for our remaining duck? We are devastated and so is Quackers. She's now seen two companions attacked and killed.
What kind of ducks got attacked? How big were they? We just had a large Red Tail Hawk on a stump looking over our place. We have 2 ducks, 4 Chickens and 2 Guineas. The guinea hens went nuts...alarming the farm...Our birds all have their own building..so got them tucked in..... But wondering How big of a bird they will attack...We have a drought going on...imagine the hawks are Hungry. Northern MN

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