Hawk deterrent



9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
Upstate, NY
I had a close call with a red-tail hawk the other day and it absolutely freaked me out.

I thank god he wasnt successful in getting one of my beloved chickens.

I saw this in a book and am going to try it. Thought I would share if anyone else is interested or has any comments.

Its so fustrating with the birds of prey because aside from keeping them penned up, theres just nothing you can do....

Yes, I love the crows hanging around, just now one chased off a red tailed hawk.

But I wasnt so lucky the other day, I had a close call. I let them free range when I am home. I do not want to keep them penned up 24/7.

I realize the only foolproof way to keep them from hawks is in a covered run, which they are in alot of the time, but not ALL the time.
Old used/scratched cd's?? I'll have to try that.
I did the penny in a bag thing-needless to say
, I'm willing to try something/anything else. Anything that works! This (BYC) sure is a cool site!!
We tried it all!
Pie tins from the trees, the flyer things hanging from the trees, a big black ceramic bear in the pen and none of it stopped that dang hawk.

It would literally eat the chicken right outside the door (the pen was attached to the back door at my mom's, easier for her to care for them at 73) and she would chase him off with the broom. To keep from having to net the huge area she used a rope (thin cloths line) and zig zaged it across the pen and it worked. The hawk can't figure how to get in and get out without getting caught. (at night the chickens are locked in their coop so night time predators can't get them)
I believe the only way to successfully thwart hawk attacks is to cover your run whether it is with some sort of netting or wire zig zagged across the top. Nothing else will work for very long. If they will attack a chicken while you are working on the lot with your birds,(as has happened with me and several others on this site) then a scarecrow, tin pans and cds aren't going to even slow them down.

Good luck to you. I hope you can work something out. Hawks can be one of the most frustrating predators of them all.

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