Hawk had my 5wk silkie

Chicken guy88

In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2018
First time posting here. I have 4 5 week old silkies. I just made there coop last Sunday. They were just going crazy inside in there broader so I felt bad I made there coop and put a heat lamp in there house for nights I live in California so it’s usually nice during the day. I usually leave there coop door open when I’m home they go in and out of it. Today it was raining. But they wanted out. So I let them. Few hours later my wife’s in the kitchen starts screaming I run outside a hawk has one pinned down. I start yelling hawk tries carrying the chick off but drops him. I grab him he’s barely moving I think from shock. There was a little blood under his chin. I put all of them in the house with heat light on. The injured one just laying there barley putting his head up. I figured I would wait a little and see how he does. Every time I go out there to check he looks better. If everyone’s in there house his in there if the out in there coop he’s out there. He just looks tired and a little slow. Maybe a little limp and a scratch on his chin. Should I take him out and bring him inside or leave him with the others I just feel like that would stress him out more. I watched them and didn’t see the others messing with him. Also should I do anything else for him? Thanks
First time posting here. I have 4 5 week old silkies. I just made there coop last Sunday. They were just going crazy inside in there broader so I felt bad I made there coop and put a heat lamp in there house for nights I live in California so it’s usually nice during the day. I usually leave there coop door open when I’m home they go in and out of it. Today it was raining. But they wanted out. So I let them. Few hours later my wife’s in the kitchen starts screaming I run outside a hawk has one pinned down. I start yelling hawk tries carrying the chick off but drops him. I grab him he’s barely moving I think from shock. There was a little blood under his chin. I put all of them in the house with heat light on. The injured one just laying there barley putting his head up. I figured I would wait a little and see how he does. Every time I go out there to check he looks better. If everyone’s in there house his in there if the out in there coop he’s out there. He just looks tired and a little slow. Maybe a little limp and a scratch on his chin. Should I take him out and bring him inside or leave him with the others I just feel like that would stress him out more. I watched them and didn’t see the others messing with him. Also should I do anything else for him? Thanks
I would guess he's in shock my rooster suffered a dog attack and acted strangely for a few days. I would make sure the chick eats and drinks and give it some electrolytes in the water. Boiled eggs are a lifesaver if they won't eat much. On the scratch I would apply an antibiotic ointment make sure it's not one that has pain reliever in it. I have also given nutri drench to my injured birds. It gives them that extra push they need to get through whatever they suffered. If the others aren't bothering it then I don't see a problem leaving the chick with it's group. The chick would probably feel less stressed and scared if it's around others.i hope your chick gets to feeling better. Best of luck. Keep us updated.
Yea I’m going to get some stuff for the water now and ontiment also. I was trying to figure out how to give them eggs. Cause they go crazy over eggs. Just don’t want him to get pushed around trying to get some. I guess I can give them each a bowl.
Yea I’m going to get some stuff for the water now and ontiment also. I was trying to figure out how to give them eggs. Cause they go crazy over eggs. Just don’t want him to get pushed around trying to get some. I guess I can give them each a bowl.
Yes that would work or spread it out . Your could also feed him eggs separately while the others eat if your concerned he would get pushed around. He just needs some tlc while he recovers.

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