Hawk killed our duck today.

So sorry for your loss, I worry a lot about hawks. I have a little bit of netting but I will be adding more soon, and I've been feeding some of the local crows to get them to stick around more because I heard hawks tend to avoid crows.
We have both hawks and crows frequently on our property. The crows will gang up on and harass the hawks - cawing at them and fluttering about right in front of their heads when the hawks perch. It's eventually pretty effective at getting the hawk to leave at least for a while (must be frustrating trying to hunt stealthily while 6-8 large birds are making a ruckuss all around you). My ducks know that the cawing means danger and they go on alert then they hear it. Ultimately they would be pretty much defenseless against the hawks if it weren't for the hardware cloth completely surrounding them at all times, though. I've seen the hawks land and hop under bushes and brush to catch wild rabbits and rodents.

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