Hawk or owl? Ideas for prevention

I don't know much about owls, but hawks are relentless and will attack all day long.

Roosters are illegal, but I wonder about geese? My geese have been great prevention against hawk attacks because they warn the chickens early if a hawk is around. Sometimes I hear the goose calling and I go outside to check - can't see a single chicken anywhere! They're all hiding under various bushes and will stay there for 1-2 hours.

I've tried fishing line, but you really need to use it as a cover. Just a single piece of fishing line isn't going to stop them. A simpler cover may be to grow bushes, hedges, trees, etc.
Crows harass owls and will divebomb them. Other birds like blackbirds will do the same.

I had a Barred Owl show up a little before dusk for a few days. I have an uncovered run, though it has a large weeping willow tree covering about a third of it. It got close but never made an attempt at my chickens, thankfully. I'm thinking it was more interested in the squirrels and rats that lived by that tree. But as a precaution I locked my girls up early until it stopped coming by.
Ah, didn't know that.
I always kinda worried about the crows trying to take chicks. They swooped down and took a dead gopher once with us right there. Plus I know in some areas they work together with wolf packs to hunt down injured animals and larger birds of prey or vultures to call them towards the kill to get the carcass ripped open because even though they have to wait to wait their turn they still eat. I actually see crows most often. Then vultures flying over. There was a golden eagle in the tree once. I do think cover helps. Haven't lost anyone yet but consider it to be a huge possibility, especially since I am having a hard time keeping them on my own property right now.

Precaution is good.

I've had my 4 girls since July. They have a roofed enclosure, but lately I've been letting them free-range the last hour or so of they day, and they love it. Last night, I saw that this Great Horned Owl was too close for comfort. The girls went back into their enclosure. Ten minutes later, the owl moved on to find dinner somewhere else.
Hi, welcome to BYC!

I always go out to stand guard when I see something, But I cannot tell a lie, I am fascinated by all forms of wildlife! Glad it moved on without incident.

Got anyone laying yet from your July girls? I'm still waiting on some April born girls. And one Feb girl is either hiding a nest somewhere really good or already quit for the season...

ETA- Crows also steal eggs, they had a problem with it where I got my goats from. Personally I probably wouldn't be able to tell a crow from a raven... wouldn't surprise me if they were both guilty. Come to think of it, I did see a murder of crows harassing a hawk one day.
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