Hawk trouble


Jul 21, 2016
Last year I lost ten Keets to a Jurrasic hawk. Any advice on how to keep my "new" Keets from being devoured?
We made a movable coop out of PVC pipe and chicken wire it works great we finally figured out how to trick the hawks.lol.
i sure do hate hawks we've lost three to a couple hawks now.I'll send a pic later.but there's lots on google.
You can also get a ScareCrow so if they think it is a Person, or get a Fake Owl Statue. I use a Owl Statue and I use a Portable radio and turn it on all day so when Predators hear noise, they won't come near the coop.
Keeping them in a covered and kind of defeats the whole purpose of having them. I'm looking for ideas checking them while they are out free ranging. Thank you to those of you who gave the suggestions.
We recently lost one of our Cream Legbars to a hawk, she was 15 weeks old. All of our chickens are juvenile, so needless to say our roosters havent quite gotten the hand of keeping their ladies in line, she was a wanderer. We too are truly free ranging/ pasture raising/ grass feeding our chickens, they have about 2 acres they poke around without the cover of their coop. Since the loss of our girl we have added additional points of cover such as a low to the ground sled and simply leaning plats against the wall of the barn where they like to hang when its hot.

When they are less confined there is more risk, so adding additional cover can help them run and hide. The hawks typically knock them down and then come back to eat, so if the chicken can get under some cover that will help. We are also going to put out some fake crows and hang some CD/MIRRORS to distract. We don't want to do a fake owl or a scarecrow because we do have a decent crow population in the woods around us that help. Our guineas are 10 weeks old and hang with our 16 weeks old Bielefelder rooster, they're like his 6 little minions. Good Luck to you!

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