hawks have gotten about 9 of my chickens my

whirly-gigs are the yard spinners, also pinwheels.

Paint balls are probably not a good idea though, they leave evidence on the bird and if your local wildlife management organization wants to be jerks you can get in trouble for harassing a bird of prey. Hopefully they would be understanding because the hawks are after your chickens, but I'd be wary just the same.
I've heard that some people string old cds on fishing lines around where there chickens are and Also something that makes a bright flashing light. I don't know if this works from experience, I've only read some other threads about different methods to deter hawks. It is discouraging to raise something and then have it killed off. Hope you find a solution. Good luck!!
Sorry to hear about your hawk problem.

I'd like to know how big your chickens are too. I'm just wondering if mostly the smaller breeds get killed by hawks or if large full grown ones do too....like the Giant Cochins.

I have seen hawks around here, but none have bothered mine....knock on wood! Most of my chickens are pretty good sized though, not to mention I'm usually outside with them when they're out of the coop, plus I have several very alert roosters.

I hope I never have to deal with this. I'm about 2/3 of the way finished with a covered run, so soon I'll be able to let them out more and not worry so much.
The typical heavy breeds get killed, too. Not just banties.

We have more of a problem when there are larger numbers of hawks migrating through the area and when there aren't any leaves on the trees and bushes that provide cover.
Are the chickens running out in the open? A friend of mine with a farm uses old wooden crates set in V's and other similar items to provide chickens with places to "duck and cover" when hawks come by. She also has a very large roo with the hens, and penned LGDs nearby (though not near the chickens). The combination must be working, as she has not lost any birds, even way out in the country with lots of hawks around.

Good luck!
and penned LGDs nearby


i lost my hen of 5 years to a smallish falcon 2 weeks ago. now that it has happened that falcon is always coming around so i dont let my other chicks out unless im right there to supervise. i am working on training my rhodesian ridgeback to guard the chicks.

i agree a big run is best but free ranging is important too. so. its hard.
it is better in summer with the leaves.

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