Hawks, Netting, Miracles, and the Missing.

They sell a black (sometimes green) woven plastic garden tarp product that they call "Saran" by the foot or roll here in Panama. After doing a google search, I found that they call it "privacy mesh" or "wind screen" in the States. Water and shaded sun passes right through it. If you can erect some sort of frame to drape it on, I'm certain it would stop your hawk problem without detrimental effects to your flock or their overhead predators.

Oh! I hadn't thought of that! The stuff that is normally mounted to chain link fence right?
oh that is sad.....we have a totally enclosed cage for my banties and another one for my silkies...but the adult chickens are just free ranged, but can run into their coop ......good luck with your little injured baby...i have 24 and would dearly miss them if anything happened, recently i lost a 4 week old silkie and a 4 week old crested polish to a raccoon, i thought the fencing around the cage was small enough, but i was wrong and it pulled both babies out.....i was heart broken.. so i can imagine your fear...
So glad you found your babies! It's heartbreaking to lose them, especially to a predator. I lost two to a Great Horned Owl that got into our run a few years ago. We captured it and released it about 6 miles from our house. They have a 5 mile range, so I hope it didn't find its way back.
All hawks and owls are federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 USC, 703-711). These laws strictly prohibit the capture, killing, or possession of hawks or owls without special permit. No permits are required to scare depredating migratory birds except for endangered or threatened species (see Table 1), including bald and golden eagles. I Googled "Birds of prey that are legal to kill". This was the first link that popped up. Tons of interesting information, including how to tell if the kill was made by a raptor or a ground predator. Different raptors leave different signs that they were there.
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I have the same problem. Hawks sit in the tree and just drop down onto a bird. I got some of that yellow caution tape and stringed it between fence posts, putting a post in the ground for support here and there. Neighbors wonder what's going on, it looks like Halloween. I've also heard of putting old compact discs on fishing line--the hawk can see the reflective disk and knows a line is holding it there. I got what they call 'shade fabric' and put that up, too. It lets wind and rain through and doesn't rip as fast as a tarp. The only trouble now is that these lines/tape/tarps are low enough that I cant walk under them, which makes mowing hard.
The only trouble now is that these lines/tape/tarps are low enough that I cant walk under them, which makes mowing hard.
Buy some PVC tubing about 2" across, give or take, you want it sturdy yet still has some give, and make "tent" poles out of it (prop it between the ground and your privacy screening that you have hung). You can move them around easily to get the mowing done, and if the breeze comes up very strong, the PVC will drop to the ground and easy to prop back up. One pvc tube ought to easily prop up the center of a 20-square foot mesh. Cheap, durable, re-purposeable.
I was told if a hawk or any other creature is harming ur animals u can kill them!! I am like u over my chickens, they are like my babies !!! They also make the sound machines that makes the birds of prey noises if u don’t want to kill the hawks !!
It's pretty difficult, but technically one can apply for a Federal Migratory Bird Depredation Permit to remove any migratory bird. But by the time you've met the requirements, paid the fees, and gone thru Red tape, it would be easier to move on to plan B.
I just saw the biggest danged bird I’ve ever seen in my life today... A juvenile bald eagle swooped down over the flock. Fortunately s/he missed! Scared the crap out of everyone, including ME! Then s/he had the audacity to perch in a tree fifteen feet from the run and glare at us!

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