
I saw a hawk light in one of our trees today. He flew in just as I was driving up the driveway, and by the time I got out of the car, he was gone. He was also facing out of our yard, toward the neighbor's windbreak trees.

Please tell me more! I cannot afford a covered run at this time.

First not all hawks are a problem. Second, many hawks are picky about how to catch something (most do not like to take risks). The pickiness is species or sex dependent. Hawks also not super smart and may not be as smart as some chickens. Hawks tend to go after certain sizes or like to hunt from specific locations and make first contact with victim under certan conditions. Hawks as a general rule are poorly suited for grappling with a victim and fighting off an assailent. Most hawks can and will take on prey larger than themselves but most prefer critters that are smaller than they are and usually small enough so hawk can fly away with it immediately, especially when catch is to be taken to nest to feed young. A red-tail might weight 4.5 pounds so that means that when feeding chicks quarry targeted will weigh less than 1/3 of that.

Those are concepts I take into consideration when managing flock and landscape to control losses to hawks. I can provide more details this weekend when time allows.
I let my girls free range my yard and know that there is always the possibilty... However, my yard is really very protected and a bird of prey would have a real tough job trying to take one of my girls. I have several large trees and very little open area, but just yesterday when I was sitting outside with the girls, a juvenile hawk came and perched on top of my grandsons swing (10 ft high - DH is a serious OVER builder). He sat there and looked at the chickens - which are larger than him and took off in a flurry of feathers when I jumped up and screamed BOO. I was under cover of the deck and trees and don't think he had spotted me.
I would love to know how to deter hawks too. I have a couple ASDs that are fabulous about watching for hawks, and great with the chickens, but I dont have the chicken area fenced, so I cant utilize that right now. Fencing isnt in the budget at the moment, so how can I deter hawks, cheaply? My set up is pretty much open with a treeline only. The hawks have just been swooping down into the open grass and nailing my birds. I am quite certain its hawks, since today I pulled in the drive and twice had a hawk sitting on the top of the barn door as if it was waiting for a chicken to come out.
I have heard of people using cheap shotguns to fire out explosive rounds. The rounds will detonate at about 75 to 100ft out and are non-lethal...but I have heard they do make a fairly good "BOOM". Hawks are not these die hard suicidal predators that will stop at nothing to kill chickens they are just hungry animals looking for a "convenient meal". If every time you were going to a restaurant and pulled into the parking lot something exploded in your general vicinity odds are you would probably shy away from that area. Hawks can be deterred with a persistent barrage of threatening gestures. I am not saying kill the hawks, even though they are immensely over populated, just make the experience as inconvenient as possible. The reason I suggested the incendiary rounds is they are non-lethal and make a good point "I have heard". I myself just use a 12 ga. shotgun the loud blast alone scares them off. Some people will tell you that hawks will just keep coming back...I have had some return just for a quick fly by, but have not have any land on my property since I had a week of constant gun fire every time one would land in the trees around my house. Just because you are using a gun does not mean it has to be lethal! There are other alternative too...any thing LOUD! Fireworks possibly? Just make it feel like a dangerous situation for them when they come to eat...they usually don't a chicken bad enough to die trying to get it.
Good luck with your hawk situations everyone I know it can be frustrating!
I have lost 3 beloved chickens in the past 6 months to a stupid hawk! I am so frustrate with it! It is a Coopers. My chickens were in runs but have been inside for the past few weeks to insudre I dont lose anyomore. I have put tight deer netting on top of my run and a frame on the bottom to keep anything from digging in. My hens can get in their house easily but Im afraid it would follow them in the house and find my silkie chicks!

Will the netting work for a dteremined hawk? What can I do!?
I have lost 3 beloved chickens in the past 6 months to a stupid hawk! I am so frustrate with it! It is a Coopers. My chickens were in runs but have been inside for the past few weeks to insudre I dont lose anyomore. I have put tight deer netting on top of my run and a frame on the bottom to keep anything from digging in. My hens can get in their house easily but Im afraid it would follow them in the house and find my silkie chicks!

Will the netting work for a dteremined hawk? What can I do!?

I lost 3 chickens too, 1 from her vent being pluged, 1 from a hawk, and 1 from a cat.
Hahaha, Well put! However, there is a difference between shooting something and shooting at something. It is a federal offense to kill a hawk...but it is not a federal offense to discharge a shotgun in it's general direction to scare it away.

I think you are allowed to kill them if they are attacking your livestock. A good LGD is a great hawk deterrent though.

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