
A quick search if the internet produced only one instance where an individual was sentenced for killing a hawk. One guy admitted to killing a bald eagle and 20 hawks and although paid a heavy fine, he did not see any jail time. http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/ma...cle_2148c684-c46d-11e0-9f75-001cc4c002e0.html

There is another instance where a pro golfer killed a red-shouldered hawk by hitting golf balls at it until one hit and killed the bird. He got a 'legal mulligan'. He received a very light sentence of one year probation and 100 hours of community service. He only had to do 40 hours of service in exchange for a small contribution to a wildlife preserve.

There are other instances of individuals killing eagles by cutting down trees and killing juviniles and also there are some instances of individuals killing multiple federally protected birds by use of poison. Interstingly enough when a large corporation kills hundreds of protected species (usually by an oil spill) they only pay fines with no one serving any jail time.

The maximum criminal penalty for an individual violating the Act is a $5000 fine and a six-month jail term for each count (18 U.S.C.571; 16 U.S.C. 707).
A quick search if the internet produced only one instance where an individual was sentenced for killing a hawk. One guy admitted to killing a bald eagle and 20 hawks and although paid a heavy fine, he did not see any jail time. http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/ma...cle_2148c684-c46d-11e0-9f75-001cc4c002e0.html

There is another instance where a pro golfer killed a red-shouldered hawk by hitting golf balls at it until one hit and killed the bird. He got a 'legal mulligan'. He received a very light sentence of one year probation and 100 hours of community service. He only had to do 40 hours of service in exchange for a small contribution to a wildlife preserve.

There are other instances of individuals killing eagles by cutting down trees and killing juviniles and also there are some instances of individuals killing multiple federally protected birds by use of poison. Interstingly enough when a large corporation kills hundreds of protected species (usually by an oil spill) they only pay fines with no one serving any jail time.

The maximum criminal penalty for an individual violating the Act is a $5000 fine and a six-month jail term for each count (18 U.S.C.571; 16 U.S.C. 707).
Very interesting. The suggestions made by this are encouraging....
However, paying fines and serving sentences of whatever sort at the hands of the 'watchdogs' remains a part of the situation.
That makes me bristle.

Thanks, though, for the research. Your point is well taken. :)
I'm not a lawyer, but I think I'm safe on this. I am not doing a thing to lure the hawks, or attempt to trap them. I am using what I've learned about Hawks to discourage them from visiting my backyard. Surely we are allowed to do this!
I'm not a lawyer, but I think I'm safe on this. I am not doing a thing to lure the hawks, or attempt to trap them. I am using what I've learned about Hawks to discourage them from visiting my backyard. Surely we are allowed to do this!

Unless you are actively harassing them, you are fine. Some examples of active harassment are: intentionally driving parents birds away from their nest, chasing a hawk off of a wild kill (e.g. a hawk in the process of eating a wild rabbit), etc. Things that interfere with their survival and are truly "harassment".
Unless you are actively harassing them, you are fine.
This is correct - you can apply all the trickery you want, in an attempt to thwart them. Cursing at them loudly is okay, too.

What you cannot do is molest, harass, trifle with, go near, sneak up on, trap, shoot at, throw rocks or otherwise bother them.
She's a White Plymouth Rock and a prolific egg layer.

Oh, mine is a Chantecler.
I've come up with a really neat trick to keep my chickens safe from hawks. I built a run with framed hardware cloth walls and a chicken wire "roof."

This roof, for a 15x15 run, cost me about 60 bucks. I simply installed one central "strut" (2x3 braced on the bottom) to hold up a length of 2x3s accross the top of the frame in the middle (about 12 bucks in wood) then I just lay the chicken wire accross in four rows, pulled it tight and wire tied it together with overlaps. Took about 2 hours in all, mostly because chicken wire is annoying. I'd like to see a hawk get through that.

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