Hawks :(

A "FEDERAL WILDLIFE OFFICER" huh? Is that different from a REGULAR WILDLIFE OFFICER? To which I called and they said "SHOOT THE *******, as it was MY right as a livestock owner"
Its your life in a cell. If you want to sit in prison more power to you. I happen to like my freedom. No wildlife officer can give you the ok to kill a hawk plain and simple. Check the federal laws before you make an assumption and listen to a 3rd party.

The federal protection of migratory birds has a long history in the U.S. dating back to 1916 when a treaty was signed between the United States and Great Britain, on behalf of Canada, for the protection of most migratory birds. This treaty resulted in the enactment of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act(MBTA) in 1918, which is the basic law in effect today. Although raptors such as hawks and owls were not protected by the original Act, they were later included as an amendment in 1972. The bald eagle has been protected since the enactment of the Eagle Act in 1940 and the golden eagle, also under the Eagle Act, since 1962. State laws and regulations today likewise protect all migratory birds.


Believe it or not, hawks are sometimes a major nuisance to property owners. While the recovery of birds of prey from the brink of exstinction has been a remarkable wildlife achievement, their recovery can mean headaches for you.
Solutions for hawk problems.

First, tolerance. There will never be lots of hawks or other birds of prey. Being the top of the key chain, it is impossible for their numbers to increase beyond the carrying capacity of the land.
Second, remember that hawks and other birds of prey are a FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES. You cannot kill them or harm them in any way without a federal and sometimes state depredation permit. So all solutions will have to be non-lethal.
Non-Lethal Solutions for Hawks.

Pyrotechnics: Scare them with the loud booms of screamers and projectile explosives. These are fired from a 12 gauge shotgun or special pistol. Some states consider them firearms and you will need proper permits to shoot them. Even if your state does not consider them firearms, you will still need to treat them as deadly. Get training and/or instruction before using these devices.

Would you like more quotes? I could fill page after page proving you and your little official are wrong, or i could just laugh when you get cuffed. I tried to be nice but you;ll just get childish and argue. Arguing dont change the fact they are FEDERALLY protected. Go ahead a shoot one. It will be in the wildlife officers right to put you in hand cuffs and charge you with killing a protected species.
Understand that law enforcement/animal control agents/ and wildlife conservation people are human and capable of passing out mis information. No one is calling you an idiot. If there is indeed an idiot it may be the person who gave you this misinformation. There is a mechanism for getting a permit to remove a predatory bird doing damage, but I have never met/talked to/ or heard from anyone who has been able to get such a permit. Do a computer serch on 'Operation high roller' - a federally sponsored sting operation that took down, prosecuted, fined and incarccerated Birmingham roller fliers/competitors on the West coast. Killing protected birds is taken very seriously, and agents indeeed do survey sites such as BYC.
Thank you. Sadly it seems some people just wont get it until they get drug into court and charged.
right? I think I am totally done with this site. People are WAY too confrontational. Everyone thinks they know EVERYTHING! Like I believe those saying I am wrong with ALL the different officials I spoke with that day that said I could do so. The people on this site MUST be right and THE TWO STATE TROOPERS I SPOKE WITH AND THE WILDLIFE OFFICER I SPOKE WITH MUST BE WRONG. MUST BE....
Sorry but legally no state official can give you the ok to take a protected species period. So like it or not, yes they are wrong. And guess what? They can all lose their jobs for advocating you break a federal law.
An except from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Specific provisions in the statute include a Federal prohibition to "pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, purchase, deliver for shipment, ship, cause to be shipped, deliver for transportation, transport, cause to be transported, carry, or cause to be carried by any means whatever, receive for shipment, transportation or carriage, or export, at any time, or in any manner, any migratory bird, included in the terms of this Convention . . . for the protection of migratory birds . . . or any part, nest, or egg of any such bird." (16 U.S.C. 703).

Article. VI.
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

This means of course, that any federal law--even a regulation of a federal agency--trumps any conflicting state law unless deemed unconstitutional, which the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is not.

So therefore, what you have been told by your state or local agency is in fact, incorrect. Sorry but true.

Here is a link to a list of species that are protected. http://www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/RegulationsPolicies/mbta/taxolst.html This is from the FEDERAL Fish and Wildlife Service.
Your posts mean NOTHING because they are so wrong. TWO STATE troopers AND a Game Warden were not all THREE wrong. The Game Wardens DUTY is to be involved in these situations which is why HE CAME RIGHT HERE AND SAID IT WAS OKAY!! HE DROVE TWO hours to come here and assess the situation. There is NO WAY I could get into trouble over this. They are federal protected UNTIL they are attacking your livestock and THEN there are state laws that allow them to be killed. IT EVEN SAYS THAT ON THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT website which states that they are illegal to KILL UNLESS you have a state law that says you can to protect your livestock. AND the only hawk that is IN FACT endangered is the hawiian hawk. THE FEDERAL WEBSITE STATES IS GOES BY LOCAL STATE LAWS! I think I WILL GO BY THE FEDERAL WEBPAGE, AND THE THREE OFFICERS, rather than people acting like know it alls. I'm safe, I know it and that's all that matters :D
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An except from the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
Specific provisions in the statute include a Federal prohibition to "pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, capture or kill, possess, offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, purchase, deliver for shipment, ship, cause to be shipped, deliver for transportation, transport, cause to be transported, carry, or cause to be carried by any means whatever, receive for shipment, transportation or carriage, or export, at any time, or in any manner, any migratory bird, included in the terms of this Convention . . . for the protection of migratory birds . . . or any part, nest, or egg of any such bird." (16 U.S.C. 703).

Article. VI.
This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

This means of course, that any federal law--even a regulation of a federal agency--trumps any conflicting state law unless deemed unconstitutional, which the Migratory Bird Treaty Act is not.

So therefore, what you have been told by your state or local agency is in fact, incorrect. Sorry but true.

Here is a link to a list of species that are protected. http://www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/RegulationsPolicies/mbta/taxolst.html This is from the FEDERAL Fish and Wildlife Service.
Some people just dont get it I guess. Im done with it. See ya on the bama thread jdy :)
How very sad of you. All you have to do is stop visiting and stop posting. It is not that hard. FYI this is a family site.
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I've read that you need a permit to kill a hawk that's harrassing your livestock..
Not sure how easy getting one would be though..:-/

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