Hawks :(

Did you let the meat go to waste ?
You know when I went out to hear what all the commotion was about and most of the ducks and geese were about to climb the gate the Hawk came over the goose house and I honestly thought it was going to try to land where they were, Didn't see it on the ground goose house is in the way, but evidently it was taking off not coming in so my poor hen laid there for close to 3 hrs before I found her, I had to climb the hill to see her so yes the meat was wasted. I must say with all the feathers laying around she put up quite a fight, and this was a big red tail. looked like a 747 taking off over the goose house,.
You know when I went out to hear what all the commotion was about and most of the ducks and geese were about to climb the gate the Hawk came over the goose house and I honestly thought it was going to try to land where they were, Didn't see it on the ground goose house is in the way,  but evidently it was taking off not coming in so my poor hen laid there for close to 3 hrs before I found her, I had to climb the hill to see her so yes the meat was wasted. I must say with all the feathers laying around she put up quite a fight, and this was a big red tail. looked like a 747 taking off over the goose house,. 

It wa most likely a female because my red tail Cisco I'm a falconer is too small to go after a chicken
You know when I went out to hear what all the commotion was about and most of the ducks and geese were about to climb the gate the Hawk came over the goose house and I honestly thought it was going to try to land where they were, Didn't see it on the ground goose house is in the way,  but evidently it was taking off not coming in so my poor hen laid there for close to 3 hrs before I found her, I had to climb the hill to see her so yes the meat was wasted. I must say with all the feathers laying around she put up quite a fight, and this was a big red tail. looked like a 747 taking off over the goose house,. 
It wa most likely a female because my red tail Cisco I'm a falconer is too small to go after a chicken

Anyway I give my condolences
I am so sorry for your loss
. It never gets any easier.
It wa most likely a female because my red tail Cisco I'm a falconer is too small to go after a chicken
Really a male is too small ? never would have thought that, not too long before the hawk got my hen I was walking around to the front of my house and saw my game bantam roo just barely miss get taken by a small hawk that around here is called a sparrow hawk, The roo flew over the fence with the hawk close on him till the hawk saw me and it looked like it stopped in mid air did a 360 and took off. The hawk that killed my lil hen was huge.
Our neighbors used to keep two peacocks along with their chickens. Do peacocks keep hawks away?
Not sure I have 2 geese and the hawk still came into the fenced property right off of where the house is and killed the hen. Those geese were as terrified as the rest of the ducks/chickens were. Matter of fact foamyownsyou has probably seen the youtube video where the falcon takes down a Canada goose I could only watch till the falcon got it on the ground then had to get off. .I'm not sure a Peacock could scare off a hawk either. What would they use a defense? other than the scream lol

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