Hawks :(

I really agree with you Cooper12, It's always nice to see them so happy foraging for their little treats. Mine always hit the gates every morning, eager to see what little bugs are waiting for them
oh, and not to mention the tastier eggs
I got my owl from ebay but it was in Australia (where I am), I have since noticed that our local hardware stores have loads in there so I could have gone up the road!
Anyway, its not that small and his head moves and he has bright eyes - I can't say whether he is working or not as I have about 15 different things in place. Personally I think my eagle kite and glitter balls are working the best.
I was horse riding last night and saw the hawk but it was two streets away from mine, I was quite pleased.

As for letting The Girls free range, I am most upset that mine are locked in an area (which is very large) and then also locked in my back garden if I let them come across, but as the fox has been attacking up and down my area on other chickens during the middle of the day I think they are safer like that. I do believe my girls who were taken and who I still miss terribly, had wonderful free ranging lives. But my survivor doesn't deserve to be scared like that again so no paddock ranging till I know that bloody fox is gone.
We lost Tiger this week to a hawk. The girls were so freaked out, it took quite some time for them to come out of hiding in the woods. It's amazing how good they are at hiding. Right after the kill one of our Marans did a schrill, high pitch, warning type of call never heard before. Tiger was an awesome girl who would jump into my lap and did awesome jumping tricks to boot.

The next day the hawk came back again and sat on top of our wire cloth topped run. The girls were again freaked out and the hawk refused to be run off till my wife was ten feet away.

I am traveling for work now, however, returning home will have no problem terminating the hawk. 3 S's works for me. The returning hawk makes it clear that there is only one solution. The current generation of pellet guns are very silent accurate and powerful.
Did anyone go to the margosupplies link I posted above. There is a link up top that has scare supplies...click on it.. there are lots of supplies there. Worth a look!


the thing most of the scare ones for hawks have in common is they are glittery and/or have movement. So the CDs on a line are just as effective and a lot cheaper.
I would suggest getting a few crow decoys. Crows will chase away hawks naturally in the wild, so that should keep them away. It will only work if you move them into different locations around the yard every two or three days.
Try Aguila "Hummingbird" ammo. comes in many forms plus .22 caliber that has no gunpowder and works off primer only. only hear a firing pin click. Personal favorite round here for many forms of predators although "feral" neighbor's cat get a regular 22 or a .45acp. With winter coming on soon it'll be upgrading to a rifle for the coyotes
My guineas kept on getting killed by hawks but if you can get guineas they will help alot.The guineas will start making a loud noise that you are sure to hear.If a hawk starts to get close you will hear the guineas and will be able to react.All you have to do is go down there and the hawk will leave.If you want the hawk to leave permanently you will have to kill it.I did not have time to react for my guineas because the hawks got them at night but that only happens once every 3 months.Hope this helps you.Good luck.

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