
I use the hay for warmth and in their nests. I have read. ....As they pack it down... too add more . I plan on doing this throughout the winter to insulate and give me some primo fertilizer come spring!! As long as moisture stays or of hen house there shouldn't be an issue with mold...At least that is what I have researched.
Oh and they LOVE scratching through it and tossing it around...
I gave my chickies Hay tonight for the first time. I spread 2 flakes out in the coop and another 2 under it (it's a raised coop), so they have somewhere warm to hang out during the day if they so choose.. they seem to love it already! I do shake it out quite well as it is a little more dusty than the straw we normally use.
LOVE using hay. I get soft field grass hay for my horses..mostly Orchard grass which is nice and soft. No weeds at all, no stems....and the chickens love it. They will find treats to eat in it but mostly it just occupies their time and makes a nice soft bed. I clean it out daily and add a new flake shaken out every day. I plan to use it this winter, our first winter, in their new chicken house when my husband finishes it. Have to decide whether or not to put a base of wood pellets under it...or simply use the hay on the laminate floor. Probably will do a base of pellets... but not sure how it will work with our bitter cold temps.
I just put my chicks in my coop/run about 2 weeks ago. I was dead set on using sand in the run but was told at the feed store it could be bad for fleas. He told me he used hay and had lots of loose hay i could have for free. Imagine that. A store owner giving something away that could be sold. They even swept it at bagged it for me. Impressed. Used the hay and the girls scratch and dig in it all day. Keeps them occupied. Me and the wife sit every afternoon and hand feed them a snack and watch them throw hay, scratching and digging. Loads of fun so far
Mine seem to love pecking through the straw when it is first pit down. I think they are eating something falling from the straw. Now my dilemma is that my husband has thrown 30 bucks worth of grass seed down in the bare areas out back and the chickens are back there having a blast. They have been pecking through it since yesterday whenever they are out. Now husband thinks they are eating the grass seed all up and he says I owe him 30 bucks. Do chickens eat grass seed? He should have known better than to throw it down in the back where the chix free range.
Mine seem to love pecking through the straw when it is first pit down. I think they are eating something falling from the straw. Now my dilemma is that my husband has thrown 30 bucks worth of grass seed down in the bare areas out back and the chickens are back there having a blast. They have been pecking through it since yesterday whenever they are out. Now husband thinks they are eating the grass seed all up and he says I owe him 30 bucks. Do chickens eat grass seed? He should have known better than to throw it down in the back where the chix free range.

To clarify- he put straw on top of the grass seed on top of the bare spots. I think they are just eating the straw perhaps?
Hahaha too funny. Tell him you'll pay him back with 30 bucks worth of eggs! Yes, I think all birds eat grass seed.. I think Chickens seem to eat anything tiny that they find! My experience anyway...they will peck at whatever they see...and if they can pick it up and eat it, all the better lol.
and they most definitely would eat it as it starts to sprout. You really can't grow new grass with chickens on it at all.....
You'd need to protect the area until the grass is well established. So if you can't do that, any seed would just be wasted.
I just put my chicks in my coop/run about 2 weeks ago. I was dead set on using sand in the run but was told at the feed store it could be bad for fleas.
I'v used sand for going on 12 years and never had a problem with it or with fleas from using it.
In fact, since I'v been using sand in the dog runs I have yet seen a flea on my dogs.
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Probably just depends on your area. I'm in MN and we just do not have a flea problem here. I mean if a dog gets a rabbit, the rabbits will be COVERED with fleas....but fleas are just not a problem here on dogs. We dont see them in our sandy areas either. I love using hay though for bedding but in a perfect situation we'd use hay on top of sand.

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