HBO Investigates Slaughter Of Thoroughbred Horses

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Just for your info our lovely government has banned horse slaughter in the US.

That is why you can buy great horses now for 900 their is no market for them anymore. Their used to be a salvage value for a horse a miminum price. which was around 900. You can't even give away a mean horse, or one that you can't break.
That is why people are just letting them go.

A horse is livestock. And is no different that a cow. I showed steers for many years and it was really hard to sell them after the fair because you really grow to like them after all the time you spend working with them but I still sold them and even ate a few. Same with my old show heifers. It is really wasteful to have an animal put down.

With no market for horses anymore you are going to have more problems with abuse and neglect. Just like cats and dogs. And alot of horses are going to be put down and you are going to have to start running campaigns to get you horse spayed or castrated.

It is a no win situation there are too many people that are too far removed from agriculture. The horse slaughter ban is going to cause more problems than it solved!
The horse situation is really bad. Many horses are being abandoned because people no longer can feed them. There are just to many horses than there is homes for. I have only seen a kill pen auction once and the horses were ones that were broken down, draft horses and scores of ponies! The race horse Ferdinand ended up being slaughterd for meat in Japan. This horse won the Kentucky derby and other important races, he was not a good stud and like many top racehorses end up in Japan. He was a failure as a stud and therefore sealed his fate. The mighty Cigar(who at the time holds the most money earned) was sterile and he is the lucky one as he ended up in the Kentucky Horse Park. I am sure there are more pet horses end up in kill pens, it is just all this furor over Eight Belles have given the animal rights people fuel for their fire. I have nothing really against animal rights people but sometimes they give the general public the wrong picture. I love horse racing and have been a fan for over 40 years. I freely admit there are faults with the sport and this publicity with Eight Belles isn't helping for what is already a dieing sport.
I edited this post because I'm just not going to bother debating the slaughter issue. I only posted this because I wanted to inform people of the HBO special coming up.
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I will probably get band for this but here goes. Personally if you want to worry about everything being treated humane, then start with the children, elderly, vets, and so forth. There are millions of homeless, mentally challenged and GOD only knows whatever else these people are going through. yes, worry about your animals and pray that it doesn't happen to them. But if you ban everything dealing with slaughtering animals WHAT WILL YOU EAT? Is it right, H**l NO. BUT.......

The pray goes: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, Courage to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.

Believe me, there is such a thing as an 'unwanted horse'. Hundreds and thousands of them; old ones, dangerous ones, crippled ones, mustangs.... All the slaughter ban has done for horses is give them a longer, more uncomfortable trip to slaughterhouses where US standards and humane practices are irrelevant, or drawn out suffering until they die of natural causes. Yes America was built on the back of a horse, but not an old crippled one. At that time killing a horse was not nearly as contentious an issue as it is now, it was a fact of life.

I love my horse dearly and will never see her sent to a slaughterhouse. I do not have dozens of horses though, unlike the ranch that we live on. I bought her for $75 with papers because of this ridiculous situation. The rest of the yearling fillies will end up in Mexico, again thanks to the ban, along with the ranch horses that are not of use anymore. The key here is that there is a vast difference between pet horses and working horses. If a ranch keeps all of its dangerous and old horses alive IN COMFORT, there will not be the money to feed the younger ones. If you don't give people a practical way to dispose of their unwanted horses you cause more suffering, both equine and human. What is more wasteful, using them to feed someone or shooting them and feeding the buzzards? What is fairer, letting them suffer indefinitely, sending them on a long trip to be slaughtered who knows which way, or seeing them humanely slaughtered somewhere where the USDA actually has jurisdiction?
what's the big deal. if people want to eat horse so be it. I wouldn't even have problems people eating dog or cat that would take care of all the animals that are sent to the pound.
you know we will probably get band for this
You've pretty much summed up my feelings on slaughter. While I don't like like it, I have a stronger dislike for prolonged suffering...being starved or deprived of medical attention. Banning slaughter didn't end suffering it only increased the length of it. And now even though the market has tanked and people are selling great riding horses for dirt cheap because they can't afford to feed them, there are still people breeding unregistered or unproven, unshown or campaigned horses cause they're a pretty color or their great, great grandsire was a big name. Just because an animal has reproductive organs does not mean it needs to reproduce.
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