He finally gets it!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
My SO called an elderly neighbor and invited her up here to get some eggs - call it a free sample.
While I filled the bowl she brought, her and my SO had a friendly little discussion because she insisted on paying for the eggs and he was just as insistent that she wasn't gonna pay for these first ones.
She told him "but you have to pay for the feed for those hens".
He told her "oh, don't worry. Even if the hens never laid another egg, I'd be paying for their feed".
Finally! He gets it! The chickens are my pets. He's finally resigned himself to the fact that he'll be paying to feed them long after their egg laying days are over.
I forgot to mention this neighbor answered a long-standing question I had. She's the only neighbor around and her house is about a quarter mile away. She has heard my rooster crow. I had a feeling he was pretty loud, but being closer to him and used to it I really couldn't tell for sure.
All my neighbors are chickens lovers but are too old to take care of them...so when I told them I was getting chickens they were tickled pink.
He's almost 52, but me and my animals are aging him as fast as we can.

lovemychix, having never met this neighbor before I expected a frail old woman from my SO's description. She came in wearing her hunting gear; having just climbed down from her deer stand. She can't have backyard chicken pets, she has commercial broiler houses. I'll be happy to keep her supplied.
gritsar, Sounds like you have yourself a keeper, hang on to him, if he's got that chicken thing figured out maybe he'll catch on to a few other things too....like talking to chickens is normal and to be expected too.
She's in pretty good shape but I think the idea of feeding chickens in the winter isn't a good idea for her! I offered to buy her beautiful coop but she said her son stuffed it full of boating stuff...what a waste!!
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