Head Injury! *pictures*


6 Years
Apr 17, 2013
Kingsley, MI
My all-time favorite pullet "Lady" came running out of the coop like this when I let them out!
I washed it with water, put antibiotic ointment on it and then sprayed it with Blue Kote. She's always free ranging, and I'll let her sleep separated from the rest, but is there anything else I can do?

I don't think it goes all the way to her skull or brain, but I knew it was painful and didn't want to poke at it anymore than I had to. There was a dark-yellowish film, that kind of looked like a bubble. It could be the film that is in-between the skin and muscle (bone).

Any help would be appreciated! This is my baby!

Actually, she was still getting picked on while free ranging. Now the piece of skin is gone. Sprayed more Blue Kote and put her in this thing for now. :( I don't think she'll have feathers on the back of her head now.

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I would keep her isolated and clean the wound at least once a day until it heals. Continue putting antibiotic ointment and bluekote on the wound, too. Chickens have a remarkable ability to heal completely and quickly, so I wouldn't assume that she'll never have feathers on that area yet. As long as she eats, drinks, and acts normal, don't worry too much about her.
Alright, thanks you two. She's going to hate me, but that little fence is her new home until she gets better (I'll secure her at night, obviously).
My favorite leghorn hen peep was attacked by our dog we went outside and peep was hanging like a rag doll in her mouth we managed to get her and we thought she was dead till she moved she had about and inch deep cut on the underside of her neck we washed and rinsed with iodine she revived quickly and is alive and doing well

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